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Official GH2 "Stalin" hack development topic
  • 939 Replies sorted by
  • what you said is true but I am ready to upgrade. I've used premiere pro cs4 before on a cheap camcorder and it works fine. but some of the works I'm doing now will concentrate on details and movements which will greatly benefit from 4:2:2 color sampling.

  • @371desmond In my experience it is more about knowing how key correctly, and which software one uses. I remember having actually more problems with some badly lit 422 material, then even with some well-lit webcam footage. Set the lighting correctly, use good software, and you will be just fine... example:

    PS: i dont know if that is the right one since i dont have flash here and yt doesnt work...

  • @Mark_the_Harp thanks. I'll look it up. also, I was wondering have Vitaliy_Kiselev or anyone else ever produce a GH1 custom firmware with abilities to shoot at 1080P and 4:2:2 color sampling?

  • @371desmond How about luma- (against white or black) or difference-keying? Either of those might work better with the colour space. Not ideal I know.

    I can't find it at the moment but I think someone started a topic about keying on personal-view and had some great ideas.

  • edited thanks. that means even a GF2 also won't have this feature? sigh okay, thanks anyway :)

  • @371desmond

    4:2:2 was possible only in MJPEG.

    In GH2 (and all cameras since G2) Panasonic rewrote many routines related to MJPEG buffer operations and other MJPEG related things. So, you can turn 422 on, but it won't work properly as despite proper buffers recalculation that we do something no longer work properly.

  • 422 color space is not possible with GH2

  • hey, guys.. I'm doing a lot of chroma keying lately and I'm dissapointed with the quality I get with most dslr and camcorders that are only able to shoot at 4:2:0 color sampling(space) I've seen what you can do with a GF1 you've manage to make it shoot at 4:2:2 color space. are you able to do it with GH2?? and is it any good? I hope to support this project but I need to know if this feature will be implemented on this firmware :) and one last question.. is custom firmware legal?

  • For shure ! Please donate (massively). I did it twice and will do it again soon. One more time, Thank you so so much V.K.!

  • Just joined (and donated). Thanks @Vitaliy_Kiselev! Looking forward to v1.1 PTool

  • @mee - who wrote - "Thanks for the hard work VK. sorry I am a lowly peasant or I would kick in some cash."

    You gotta be kidding... If you can afford to use a GH2 you can afford to contribute 5 or 10 bucks. That's just ridiculous. Nobody is asking you to donate $100. 5, 10 bucks. That's a movie ticket. It's called "the power of many".

    Now, instead of wasting $$ at your local coffee shop, please do send VK a few bucks. Thanks.

  • Do not be impatient gentlemen, all in due time. Thank you very much Vitaly Kiselev, Greetings from Patagonia.

    • "PATIENCE: minor form of despair disguised as a virtue." ;) Ambrose Bierce
  • I am not one to complain, but you guys need to stop asking the same question others have asked literally a few posts ago. I am sure Vitaliy heard it the first time. And.. I am sure he will let you know the date when he wants to.

    Thanks for the hard work VK. sorry I am a lowly peasant or I would kick in some cash.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev

    Thank you. I appreciate everything you have done.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev ETA for beta and public release (if no problems occur)?

  • It's starting to get close now. I will donate again today, at least $30. I will probably also get a GF2 or GF3 as a second camera, and probably GH3 after it has come out and been hacked;-)

  • If alpha version is released, when it will be available beta version for us?

  • Btw, forgot to say. PTool is released for core team some time ago.

  • I just donated another $15 to the research project. I would like to ask all people who use this hack and haven't donated to do so. Don't be a freeloader. Research takes time and $5,10,15 are small donations for all the benefits you get. This way, you keep the hacking community alive and kicking. I am really proud of everything the @Vitaliy_Kiselev has achieved (with the help of the core team). Can't wait for the new release.

  • Ahh. I thought it was going to be more like few weeks / month. Well, if it's only about a week or so from alpha to public, I'm happy to wait. =)

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev Public release still at the end of the week? I wouldn't mind being a beta tester.

  • @jakiman The process was relatively quick for the last release. It's best just to wait a few days for the full ptool release.

  • I've got a Japanese GH2 and thanks to ptool, I was able to hack the 1.0 firmware and enable English. After that, I installed official 1.1 over the top (hoping it'll keep the language at least) but it became Japanese only again with no language setting.

    Vitaliy, is there any way to at least share "language-only" hacked 1.1 FW file created using your alpha version of ptool? (pretty please?)

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev : Time to change the tittle of "Hacks and Patches" thread category?