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    Good quote: Kadyrov on sanctions
    • Friends, a number of European politicians have made statements about the possible imposition of sanctions against Russia.

      I want to say that the whole set of restrictions against Russia is so absurd that we can only laugh at these fruitless attempts. They froze the void there. Complete confusion!

      And yet, despite all this comedy, the time has come for tough revenge, and the measures must be mirrored. For comparison, they should look like this:

      British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Eurodiplomacy Josep Borrell must renounce their statements, otherwise the Chechen Republic, given the impudent and pretentious nature of the statements of the above persons, reserves the right impose the following sanctions:

      • Close the Chechen sky for the flights of their jets;
      • Freeze all of Johnson's ruble assets in Chechen banks;
      • Introduce an embargo on all assets of the British oligarchs in Achkhoy-Martan, and in case of deterioration - in Samashki;
      • Recognize left-hand traffic as a vile relic of the Middle Ages;
      • And to admit, finally, that there is no English tea!

      Deadline is February 31st!

      This will be an example for other states as well. Please think before imposing any sanctions.

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    Good quote: Medvedev on present moment and stupid west elites.
    • Here, sanctions were imposed against all members of the Russian Security Council. As I write this post, I'm almost in a panic. It's a shame. And what are we going to do now? But for history I want to note the following.

      1_ First, about the main thing. These wonderful prohibitions, of course, will not change anything. This is clear even to ignorant people in the State Department. Including the decision to conduct a military operation to protect the Donbass. It will be carried out in full, until all the results that the President of Russia spoke about are achieved. Nothing more and nothing less. As, by the way, it was in a similar situation in 2008.

      2_ I believe that it is obvious to all smart people: sanctions are a myth, a fiction, a figure of speech. I am deeply indifferent to these widely advertised restrictions on rights abroad. I can say it more strictly, but I will refrain????. I am a citizen of Russia. And that's it.

      Well, sanctions are being taken for an obvious reason. From the political impotence that arose on the basis of the inability to change the course of Russia. And also - in the hope of justifying themselves for shameful decisions, such as a cowardly flight from Afghanistan. In general, our partners in the US and the EU are doing great - nothing consolidates power, management elites and, to a large extent, citizens of our country, like love for Americans and Europeans.

      By the way, for reference. Neither I nor my family members had and do not have any foreign accounts or any property abroad.

      3_ There is also good news. Sanctions can be an excellent occasion for a final review of all relations with those states that have imposed them. Including to interrupt the dialogue on strategic stability. It is possible, after all, to renounce everything in principle, including the START-3 Treaty, concluded by me with B. Obama and extended by V. V. Putin with the current head of the United States. Why is it now, under such and such conditions, especially signed by sanctioned persons? It comes out somehow awkward. Yes, and diplomatic relations, in principle, are not particularly needed. It's time to close the embassies with barn locks. And contacts continue, examining each other only through binoculars and weapon optics.

      4_ Now we are driven from everywhere, punished, frightened, but again we are not afraid (almost like L.N. Tolstoy in a certain situation). The Council of Europe and PACE have now suspended Russia's membership. Wild injustice. Although a good reason to finally slam the door and forget about these meaningless almshouses forever. And they entered something foolishly once. By youth. In addition, this is also a good opportunity to restore a number of important institutions to prevent particularly serious crimes in the country. Like the death penalty for the most dangerous criminals, which, by the way, is actively used in the United States and China.

      Exclusion from the OECD is also an insanely scary thing. I don't know what to do now. Although they didn’t want to see us there for almost eight years. And they don't want to again. Well, you won’t be forced to be nice ...

      Further on exceptions "from everywhere" in the form of punishment - according to the list. Involuntarily, you will only think about the time spent in these structures in vain.

      5_ They also threaten to seize the money of Russian citizens and Russian companies abroad. Just everyone, without any sanctions. Completely. Kind of bad. But this will have to be answered quite symmetrically. The arrest of funds of foreigners and foreign companies in Russia according to the country principle. And maybe - and the nationalization of the property of those persons who are registered in unfriendly jurisdictions. Like the USA, the EU states and a number of singing countries of the Anglo-Saxon world that will take part in this. Fortunately, we have rich experience and we have a law on this topic. Strict.

      So the fun is just getting started...

    8 comments 9 comments Vitaliy_KiselevFebruary 2022Last reply - March 2022 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Zinovieva on this war
    • The President of the International Public Organization - the Russia-Germany Society, the widow of the Soviet-Russian philosopher and writer Alexander Zinoviev, said that Russia had risen against "global injustice" and dealt a "decisive blow to the pending Yugoslav scenario" of the West.

      Zinoviev’s message on the website says that “the Russian people, long-suffering, always left the opportunity to change their minds, always extended a helping hand to those who needed it, always shared the last piece of bread, remaining hungry themselves.”

      “Eight years of patience, insults, vilifications, sanctions, Western arrogance have come to an end. The Russian spirit has finally rebelled against global injustice, global democratic totalitarianism, rabid Russophobia, supported by a screeching fifth column that gorges itself on state sinecures, state contracts, state awards, state budgets,” she stressed.

      Zinovieva pointed out that "we Russians are for our Great Motherland", in her words, "Russia dealt a decisive blow to the West's pending Yugoslav scenario against our country."

      “Back in 1998, the great Russian thinker Alexander Zinoviev sounded the alarm about the danger of the NATO plan for Russia. Today, our country finally, in the year of Zinoviev's centenary, heard the warning of the main ideologist of Russia at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries. I urge the leadership of Russia to stand to the bitter end, not to compromise with the rabid West, to collude with global evil spirits - otherwise we, Russians, will be thrown out of history, ”she concluded.

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    War: US backed criminals attacked Russian and Chinese media sites
    • During last days lot of so called "hacked groups" revealed to be part of strong network supported by US government and similar actors.

      Now US leads huge DDOS attacks on media sites.

    4 comments 5 comments Vitaliy_KiselevFebruary 2022Last reply - February 2022 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Facebook, Youtube, Twitter openly declared to be part of US propaganda machine
    • Russian authorities have asked to stop discriminating so called fact-checking and labeling of content published by Russian media on Facebook, but Meta, which owns the social network, has refused to do so, vice president Nick Clegg said on Twitter.

      Instead Meta started to promote US fake information and UK Nazis posts.

    10 comments 11 comments Vitaliy_KiselevFebruary 2022Last reply - March 2022 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Why you must never use Apple ecosystem
    • In few hours Apple removed apps by all Mordor based companies and banks that fall under new sanctions.

      For Google it will be same soon, but you will be able to install APK still.

      Such way shows that you have corporation, as any other, who cares only about interest of ruling class.

    23 comments 24 comments Vitaliy_KiselevFebruary 2022Last reply - March 2022 by Tommyboy Subscribe to this blog
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    Energy: Australian energy tragedy in manufacturing is coming
    • Australia's largest individual consumer of electricity says it needs 24/7 guaranteed power to keep its aluminum smelter running amid fears early shutdowns of coal-fired plants could exacerbate the impact of a renewable energy shortage/.

      Tomago Aluminum CEO Matt Howell is asking Origin and AGL for more details on their plans to> address power shortages caused by the upcoming closures of the Eraring and Liddell coal-fired power plants.

      After AGL turned down an initial $8 billion takeover bid by Canada's Brookfield and billionaire Mike Cannon-Brooks this week, and Origin announced the early closure of the country's largest coal-fired power plant, Mr Howell said Tomago commits to "translate our electricity needs to a portfolio of sustainable renewable sources no later than the end of 2028".

      "We recognize the significant changes already taking place in the national electricity market and will continue to play our part in keeping the system safe with our extensive and fast intermittent load," he said.

      "As the largest consumer of electricity in Australia, it is critical that adequate electricity generation and storage is available continuously and especially during long periods of renewable energy downtime (low or no wind at night)."

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