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Driftwood Cluster X series 3:│moon T7│ЅріzZ T6│Nebula T7│Drewnet T9│
  • 1811 Replies sorted by
  • @kkorr March 15 What do you usually use for "long low light interviews"? What hack would you recommend?

    I use FloMotion2 for that purpose, although as @driftwood says, he can prove that I shouldn't be :) .

    All I can say is make your tests under whatever conditions you will be using the hack and make your choice accordingly. It's not a case of examining pixels under a microscope unless that floats your boat - it's whatever works best for you and whatever looks best to you. I was a professional photographer for 25 years before becoming a professional filmmaker for the last 15 or so, so I do have an eye tuned and experienced for certain things but I have no hacking experience whatsoever and I defer to those Lords of the Realm such as @vitaliy_kiselev @Driftwood and @Lpowell and all those how have devoted so much time and skill to this cause.

    This from the FAQs is a great start to compare hacks - I wish someone with the knowledge would keep this updated.

  • @Jacekk Thank you!

  • @driftwood

    I say thank you for the music...

    I've decided to retire my gh2 from production use (will use it privately, still) as it has started to behave a bit dodgy.. Just wanted to thank you for all the hard work you've put into it, making it such a beast of a camera. If I have the time, I'll edit a short tribute - best of kind of reel!

  • @Jacekk No problem with your choice. Each to their own.

  • I would love to use Moon T7 too, but I need reliable spanning all the time so I use towi's HQ3GOP. It has been great so far. GH4 for me when it comes out!

  • @caveport, Moon T7 isnt reliable?

  • from my experience moon 7 24L mode works very reliably on the new Toshiba exceria type 2 card. green one.

  • my makig of of commercial shot with gh2 with moon t5 all at 720p mode. Thank U @driftwood :)

  • @Manu4Vendetta Moon is reliable but does not span on my Sandisk 64 gb 95mbs card.

  • It always has on mine.

  • Speaking of long recording times, how does Drewnet do with really long recording times? I'm recording a recital Sunday (not too serious, and unpaid) and I am in need of a hack that would last me for the 90 minute duration. As much as I love Moon T7, I'll run out of space! I have a 64gb SanDisk Extreme Pro. Any advice would be appreciated.

  • I've had great success with Moon T5. For a while it became my "stock" firmware. Like others I found myself getting complacent as well as curious wanting to try out other (or updated) hacks and I've done so. DREWnet, slipstream, spizz .... Love em. Kept gong back to Moon T5 though. My eyes see the cleanliness, richness and overall stabile performance (for such a high bit rate, all Intra setting) as unrivaled. Moreover, I've also found it an absolute joy to CC and grade with. T5 footage can really be pushed and pulled in post before the pixel information begins to deteriorate. I was extremely excited to take T7 for a spin and it also blew my socks off. Turns out to be a bit glitchy for me though. In cam playback would randomly work, not work. (Even with all the tricks like turn off and back on, record a short quick clip etc) Locked up, battery pull - only once. So I'm back with my good ole' Moon T5 and man do I love it. For those T7 users who've not tried T5 I highly recomend it. With the SanDisk 95Mbs 64 GB CARD - Spans just fine for me, (always has even when reloaded coming from a different hack trial) in cam play back works. (NOTE: I use 24H, 24L and the 720SH 60p modes primarily so I can't wiegh in on HBR. That said I've not encounter problems with HBR - just not used it enough to claim I've "tested" it.) THE ONLY issue I've had is that once in a while in cam playback won't work. "Image cannot be displayed" or what ever. Turn camera off, count 2 or 3 seconds, turn back on - all footage plays back just fine - every time. Looking forward to T8 but either way it's a win win having T5 is my "stock firmware."

    Thank you @Driftwood. Thank you for allowing my GH2 the ability to kick my GH3's butt, on many levels, on a daily basis. X^D

  • @MagicMountainMan might wanna give Slipsteam 1b a try. I used/tested it for about 4 weeks and loved it. Lower bit rate (still over double the stock firmware I believe) great looking footage, spans forever and by far THE MOST stable patch I've tried. Absolutely no errors for me...Ever.

    Good luck

  • Flowmotion just doesn't look quite as good or hold as much detail, for the same bitrate, as Slipstream.

  • @maddog15. +1 on T5. That's the firmware in my GH2.

  • @maddog15 Yeah, I like GH2 hacked image over GH3. I've seen some really nice GH3 work, but for narrative old school film-like mojo...nothing beats GH2 for price. For modern cinematic movie quality...a BMPCC in the right hands has great potential. Moon T5 and T7 exhibit that modern cinematic look when in right hands too...which has the characteristic you call "cleanliness"...which I think is a nice word to describe it. I've been thinking about how I want my next project to look, and phrase coming to mind was "controlled look". Something similar to T5 and T7...maybe the upcoming T8, which the test footage @driftwood posted looked f---ing phenomenal.

    God bless the hackers....for they have given us the world to play with.

  • I've recently done some back to backs with Moon T7 and T5, with interesting results. I am after a nice clean sharp image, so I was kind of hoping T5 might be even more of that than T7 is (already really great).

    In the comparison shots of me talking against a largely over exposed high-key background, I found the quality of the T5 to be really nice, and much lower file sizes. However, it seemed to give me lower exposed images at the same settings, and over all I didn't find the image quality to be any sharper than T7. I don't really want less exposure with the same settings, because ideally I would like the option to close the iris even a bit more for increased depth of field at times. I realize most of what I want is probably the opposite of what a lot of people on this forum are shooting for, but it is what it is. :-)

    Overall I preferred T7 in the end, and have that back on my camera again. Both of these hacks amaze me, but T7 amazes me more I guess... If I had only ever tried T5 I would be completely in awe of it, and would get more record time out of my cards. I'm so excited to see what T8 will be, even if I end up preferring T7 over it, you guys who make this all possible are my heroes!

  • @Tjabo If my memory is correct, T4 was actually sharper than the other versions, and some considered it too sharp, but if super sharp is your goal, maybe give that a try.

  • @matt_gh2 Amen to that!

  • T4 huh, awesome @matt_gh2! I have a little project to shoot tomorrow through Tuesday on T7, and then I'll try to get my hands on some T4. I honestly can't say I've run across a thread where T4 was available... Time to look in the archives maybe?

  • @matt_gh2 @Tjabo I've tried all of the TMoons. TMoon7 is the best for overall quality, motion and reliability in 24p. Hands down.

  • I would agree.

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