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PV member? MUST vote inside! A new career can start
  • 133 Replies sorted by
  • Yep they are

    First one with ~3000 votes in advance... our guy to the 3rd place. Shame he didn't came in second (the price : lot of mikes & stuff look better to me than 1st one...)

  • Nonetheless, many congratulations to @jupiter1 for getting one of the top 3 spots. :) Great piece!

  • Shame he didn't came in second (the price : lot of mikes & stuff look better to me than 1st one...)

    2nd place participant must be removed from contest, even simple check of 2nd and 3rd place statistics on Vimeo show that things are wrong, but knowing voting dynamics I can tell you that from top 4 only @jupiter1 entry has no doubts.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev I am not sure i see what you see. Do you mean the conversion rate of views to votes or the high number of plays on Rode's site without much play traffic on other sites?

  • Do you mean the conversion rate of views to votes or the high number of plays on Rode's site without much play traffic on other sites?

    Just check statistics, this guy had no support compain, had low number of votes, but few days before voting end he start getting votes fast (without any surge in views or loads).

  • I don't know how this matter worked and if there was a fraud or not, but i want to talk generic about internet votations: It's a shame that anyone can go to some freelancer's website and hire people for voting, with 100-200 bucks you can win any contest based on votes in internet. Maybe some companies (like Rode, or smaller, or bigger) should contact via facebook random people, and invite them to vote for best video, putting up a money prize for voters (just one silly idea, maybe there are better solutions) . The bottom line is: they can't put videomaker's efforts and professionality in unknown hands, bots and people hired to vote. Hope it will change. Just my two cents.

  • Hello everyone,

    just a brief post to thank all of you guys.. and VK on the top for having me so much supported.

    I guess that I learnt a lot from this experience, for starters that a good film-makers needs to be a good marketeer. Fact is, to be one of those and play it honestly, it takes some good and deep look at yourself.. who you are and who you want to be. A son, a wife and some special people taught me that pretty much everything goes around, what you give you get, so not in fear but in awareness I am glad that I played this the hard way.

    In an ideal world, things should not be so messed about, but we know that where we're all standing is far from ideal. Our countries are armed with nukes, what's ideal in it?

    As far as the results go they are final, by all accounts, I have no else information to confirm otherwise. Wondering how the other 8 finalist feel over this. And the judges.

    I could have not made it without each one of YOU, fellow members, for your overwhelming support I thank each one of you personally, take this post as a sincere hand shake.. a lot of people helped me out and this is the greatest prize I had. Thanks life.

    Soon I will post a BTS of the video on my blog, come and share your views, door's open and kettle's on:-)

    As for me, I am keeping on shooting (Bruce Logan told me so!) and I have just finalized a new video using the 444 Driftwood patch, for a non-voting contest on describing an experience in the Ligurian coast. I shot this last week, during the stressful time of the comp

    Tell me what you think! Ciao!

  • @jupiter1 Solid - felt like the sort of tourism video I would expect to see broadcast on TV around here. A few very, very minor issues but not like I would expect on that sort of timeline. Good stuff.