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Does anyone else think this Jay Z short Doc is brilliant?
  • 60 Replies sorted by
  • Thank you for sharing. I think there is a future in longer form youtube videos and branded content that works for the creator, the brand and the viewer. This is a fairly low key sell see also Anthony Bourdain's 'Raw Craft' web-series. We've always had to sell to someone or the other, why the hell not like this. Great mini-doc, and frankly I think it is beautiful, which is an important distinction...we aren't saying 'ugly is ok with great content' (although it probably would be), we are saying 'non-technically correct camera decisions' that make beautiful images with great content is ok.

  • @RottenCarcass etc

    You actually make yourself look stupid not me for stating that, are you aware water is wet and babies come from women tummies?

    NO-ONE watching it would not realise its a hook up between Absolute and Jay-Z its bloody stated in the video. My point was about the visuals not some anti Capitalist rant that you seem to want. The fact is the images were messy and probably no high end camera was used cause even in the higher quality sections that had heavily aliasing, no RED cam, C300 would of done that, anyway that beside the point, which you obviously brilliantly missed. It is filmed documentary style, no reason to think otherwise, its clearly not scripted but it does include an Absolute marketing man so sure they are going to be positive to the link up. DUH!

    Plus dissing generally other forms of media especially adverts is foolish, some stunning work is done by directors in advertising including names like Ridley Scott, Tony Kaye, David Fincher to name a just few. Their style and artistic vision absolutely come through the work. Thats what they are flipping hired for!!! You also overestimate the amount of artistic vision that is allowed from directors generally in movies, which is always a battle between vision and commercial interests.

  • Exactly - it's an ad... '"NY-Z" - an ABSOLUT collaboration with Jay-Z'... LOL! You're amazed that this is impactful??? Um, no offence Sherlock, but this is called "branding" and you can bet your bottom dollar that this was heavily worked. This is not some "artistic" work, and it definitely is NOT a "documentary" - LOL! - it's a branding video, just as McDonald's or Burger King or whoever might do. It's a big, big, big Vodka company part of the French conglomerate Pernod Ricard - which they bought for some $6 Billion dollars. What brands do, is take the product and pair it with a famous performer. Pepsi did it with Michael Jackson. Many liquor companies like to co-brand with famous performers.

    Which is fine. But the key take-away is that Jay-Z here is pitching his brand and the Absolut brand and they're helping each other. Both were heavily involved in creating and approving this content. There is not a frame of this footage that has not been approved by Jay-Z's people and by the suits and brand image consultants and advertising executives at Absolut - this was definitely not an "artistic" vision of the director - the director's contribution was there, but only to the extent that any director contributes to the making of a TV commercial - the content is not his, and the execution is heavily controlled by the client. To call it a "documentary" is a joke. It's definitely not.

    For all that, it clearly worked on some, because people bought it wholesale. To say it's a documentary is as funny as if you thought an informercial on TV selling an exercise machine was "news", just because it has an "reporter" seeming asking "questions" and talking about the product... LOL!

  • You are aware that this is one long vodka ad?

  • but are most viewers really that interested in this kind of artistic camera work?

    also, if you're shooting in any kind of non-controlled environment, half the time you should count your blessings just to get any kind of shot. i was taking a video outdoors once and a guy behind me was joking about taking my camera away from me. i'm just glad i got the shot off without getting mugged.

  • I would go further than just content is king. I would say the art of filmmaking is about putting everything together in a way that creates meaning and art. Many of the 'ugly' images are actually beautiful images. There is definitely an obsession with perfect images rather than putting images together perfectly in a way that is artistic and says something.

    The very freeing thing is we don't need perfect cameras or perfect images in fact maybe we should if we have limited resources focus on interesting images rather than perfect ones and so we need to work on bringing it all together. Its opens things up cause instead of dotting all the 'i's' on exposure, focus, framing we can be creative and be more original in our style. The director is a photographer who interned under Anne Leibovitz, I think that artistic skill shows through.

    *Note also that the sound isn't messy, people can accept a lot of scrambled images but not shit sound.

  • Well... All that "ugly" stuff was on purpose though. Not normal that you would like that. This was most likely shot with a variety of cameras plus some pro cameras (red,c300,etc) But yeah it would be nice if there was a section for film discussion,etc.

  • I wish more discussion was based on the art of filmmaking not pixel peeping/tech discussion. There should be a section on film discussion, theory, what works etc...

    I mentioned that in another thread. There are a lot of cameras coming out so it draws people's attention. This is reassuring since I'll be 90 before I get all the technical stuff figured out.

  • Amen. Content is king. Good example of very good movie despite a completely destroyed image is Virgil Bliss. Available on Netflix.

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