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One of the rarest videos you will ever see!
  • 37 Replies sorted by
  • Lucky shot!! Nice
  • FYI - there is a fellow that has captured a number of unique alignments between celestial and terrestrial objects. I think his name is Thierry Legault. I see his work on the APOD (Astronomy Picture Of the Day) web site from time-to-time (

    I had a similar fortuitous alignment about a year ago. I was a visitor at the Kennedy Space Center during the last early morning (before sun rise) launch of the space shuttle. The Vehicle Assembly Building was behind me as I stood near the "count down sign" with the Space Shuttle to the east poised to launch. Due to the alignment, I was able to watch as the International Space Station (ISS) pass over head (moving west to east in the sky) just before the space shuttle launched (T-9 minutes or something). As luck would have it, the ISS passed right in front of the moon. But the really cool part was that the same photo could capture both the shuttle on the pad and the ISS in orbit. A few moments later the shuttle lifted off and the chase was on. It was a beautiful launch into a cloudless, pre-dawn sky. I'll never forget it.
  • I was just getting ready to shoot Jupiter when I saw the moon shot and decided to post it right away. At this magnification it is hard to line up Jupiter so I find the moon first and then pan to Jupiter. The problem is that the weather turned this morning. Completely cloudy for the next few days now.
  • Have you tried filming Mars or Jupiter? Jupiter will be visible in the early evening this month in the northern hemisphere.
    I wonder how they would look with your magnification. I only get to an equivalent of 800mm with my teleconverters.
  • @EOSHD

    Yea I had to do the fade or it would just jump right into it going by. It would make you sick to watch the video anymore than about a half of a second before the plane went by because it was shaking so much.

    If it would have been possible to stage this shot I definitely would have used the 720p @ 60 FPS mode with the ETC and I probably would have taken a TC off if not taken both of them off.

    However, that is what is so cool about the video. It was purely by chance. I just happened to film the moon when a plane was in perfect position. I couldn’t repeat this shot even if I tried.

    Oh yea, the sound is not actually from a plane. It was from a car going by. The plane must have been at cruising altitude(30,000-40,000 feet) or it would have been gigantic at 3200mm.
  • Ah I see, so the fade-transition a few seconds before the plane is to avoid the wobble? That is only thing I found distracting otherwise it was a stunning video. Loved it!!
  • Thanks. Not sure what you mean by “Close to the cut”. The whole clip was about 45 seconds long and the plane appeared about 10-15 seconds before I ended the clip. At 3200mm the moon was flying past so I had to readjust it every couple of seconds. The video was bouncing because I had just finished resetting it and it was still settling down.

    I was testing the I.dynamic range setting and the different black and white color modes so I went back and watched it. I was about to delete it because I felt the contrast was too low for what I was looking for. Then I saw the plane and I definitely hit “Protect” right away.
  • @mpgxsvcd shared it on Twitter. How close to the cut was the plane crossing? :)
  • Honestly, I am not even sure what brand the teleconverters are. The lens cost me $25 on ebay and the teleconverters were $5 each. I bought them all because they were cheap. I never dreamed they would work this well.

    Ironically the m4/3s to FD adapter cost me more than the lens, a super nice leather case for everything, and the two teleconverters. Eventually I will just buy a nice telescope. However, for less than $100 I think this turned out fairly well.
  • nice sharpness still with the teleconverters. Which ones do you use?
  • @EOSHD

    Thanks. I had no idea the plane had crossed in front of the moon until I watched the video on the camera. I was too busy trying to keep the camera still @ 3200mm. Please share this video if you get the chance.
  • Incredible shot. It doesn't look real. Great job.