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Ultra HD Blu-Ray specs finilized
  • 29 Replies sorted by
  • Asked about the Ultra HD Blu-ray release date, Martin said: "Certainly for Panasonic, and most manufacturers, by IFA time in September we want to have players showing content. By holiday season, we want these to be available."

    "It will be high to start with, relatively speaking," Martin said. "But it won't be as severe as some launches in the past, we won't be seeing thousand dollar machines. Maybe two to three times the cost of equivalent HD players. But that wil drop over time."

    Samsung Electronics Co., South Korea’s top tech giant, said Wednesday it plans to launch a Blu-ray player by the end of the year that supports ultra HD (UHD) resolution

  • I guess the death of the physical disc will have to be delayed yet again.

  • Ha. Har de har har. ;-)

    And of course, DON'T hold your breath!


  • Well, being a cinematic movies enthusiast and owner of a 4k TV I should probably consider myself inside their target audience.

    And yet I'm sure they'll go to any lengths to convince me that it's a product meant to annoy, not to delight me.

    Such as "implement convoluted, error prone digital restriction management to ensure minimum likelyhood of problem-free replay", "waste the customers time by presenting him unwanted advertisement trailers and 'FBI warnings' of absurd length", "release fewer titles later for more money" and last but not least "deliver unsharp, upscaled, noisy material, since most buyers won't notice anyway and those who do won't get a refund".

    But I'll look out for the unlikely pleasant surprise that they might do otherwise.