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EXQUISITE CORPSE - a collaborative video proposal

  • Hey guys, allow me to take you away from latest tech news and developments for a "game" proposal. Do you know about the surrealist's cadavre exquis… well, case you don't

    Exquisite corpse, also known as exquisite cadaver (from the original French term cadaver exquis) or rotating corpse, is a method by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled. Each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence, either by following a rule (e.g. "The adjective noun adverb verb the adjective noun") or by being allowed to see the end of what the previous person contributed.


    I always liked better the allowed to see the end of what the previous person contributed version, so here's what I propose:

    Anyone registered in PV can participate, just has to post a reply - so everything's transparent - and send me a private message, for email and download details. Order of participation will be same as registration.

    Each participant will have 3 days to make a new shot, we're not recycling footage… is a question of experimentation process and flow ;)
    there will be a max of 1 hour over the deadline. After that I'll unmercifully jump to next in list.

    I'll take the dealer part, receiving the files and sending to next participant just the last (previous) one.

    IF failing deadline or any of the below rules, I'll go on with next in list… nothing personal but pragmatism.

    Resulting mess will be under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 
CC BY-NC-ND creative commons license

    All participants will receive a digital copy


    1. 1 Shot
    2. B&W only
    3. 1920x1080p24
    4. Between 1 and 5 sec
    5. In camera in&out and edit; no post edition, including sound and grading
    6. Any camera capable of above specs (remember B&W, 24p, etc.) allowed

    Remember this is just a game so ENJOY!!!
    I'll be second participant, only for practical reasons, as from then on I would have seen more than just the last piece.

    So, whose the brave soul willing to start?!!!

    Untitled. "Cadavre Exquis" by Man Ray, Yves Tanguy, Joan Miró, Max Morise
    Untitled. Cadavre Exquis by Man Ray, Yves Tanguy, Joan Miró, Max Morise
    Chicago, The Art Institute. Lindy and Edwin Bergman Collection.


    1. MirrorMan ----------------- deadline ------ May the 29th, 20h (GMT) ----- DONNE
    2. maxr (that's me mum) -------- deadline ------ 1st of June, 20h (GMT) ----- DONNE
    3. jpbturbo ------------------- deadline ------ 4th of June, 20h (GMT) ----- DONNE
    4. jazzroy -------------------- deadline ------ 7th of June, 20h (GMT) ----- DONNE
    5. inqb8tr -------------------- deadline ------ 10th of June, 20h (GMT) ---- ERROR
    6. Django -------------------- deadline ------ 13th of June, 20h (GMT) ---- DONNE
    7. michal -------------------- deadline ------ 16th of June, 20h (GMT) ---- DONNE
    8. eatstoomuchjam ------------ deadline ------ 19th of June, 20h (GMT) ---- DONNE
    9. svart --------------------- deadline ------ 22nd of June, 20h (GMT) ---- DONNE
    10. spacewig ------------------ deadline ------ 25th of June, 20h (GMT) ---- DONNE
    11. Alienhead ----------------- deadline ------ 28th of June, 20h (GMT) ---- DONNE
    12. kevin_kirchman ------------ deadline ------- 1st of July, 20h (GMT) ---- DONNE
    13. haavard ------------------- deadline ------ 4th of July, 20h (GMT) ---- DONNE
    14. weimar -------------------- deadline ------- 7th of July, 20h (GMT) ---- DONNE
    15. your name here ------------ deadline ------- 10th of July, 20h (GMT)
    16. your name here ------------ deadline ------- 13th of July, 20h (GMT)

    and so on

  • 116 Replies sorted by
  • Let's say 10 seconds or less, one peanut only (in shell, a 'double').!

    I think people are likely to procrastinate because whoever participates now has a month to do it, but I guess that's the nature of this corpse.

    Oh hey just read the new Topic posted for the latest corpse, I'd delete this comment but that's not possible. OK then!

  • Here WE Go!!!



  • HEY GUYS!!!
    Nice too see/read you!
    Sorry for absence, I've been in a rehab facility, a peanut rehab one :P

    Ok, let's take the bull by the horns!
    First, thanks very much to @Alienhead which kept the spirit of the corpse alive ;-)

    Secondly, @michal being ashamed it is not intrinsically bad, some girls are even able to turn that shame into firing machine guns out of their asses... it's worst IMHO to be sorry of not doing somethin'

    Now, @jpturbo and @buildbyflying dialog (narrative) and colour are two big steps, meaning they bring more layers to this project/game. Also we would have to go into deeper conversations about colour palette and specific rules. It seems we're ready for this experiment. What would you say if WE do that in 3rd corpse?

    I feel/think Ted already made a good synthesis of rules, so:


    1. No limit to total submissions but all must be submitted within a 30 day period - starting July the 25th at 20:00 GMT and ending August the 25th at 20:00 GMT

    2. Each shot must be no more than 10 seconds

    3. 1080p24 (16:9)

    4. Black and white, no editing - MTS/mov directly from camera

    5. Shot must begin and end with black, accomplished in-camera (please revisit classics: i.e. Hitchcock)

    6. Shot must include ONE CLEARLY VISIBLE peanut

    Dealers and organization will be co-run by @Alienhead and @maxr

    Before I start a new thread It seems a last look on two rules would be healthy,
    number 2 and 6. Though I really think 10 seconds it's a lot, questions:
    10, >or=10 or 10-15 secs? and ONE - and only one - peanut or quantity not defined?

    I'm all set (plow, lantern, sandwich, bottle of rum, pack of smokes and mouth harp, jejejeje) to dig for body parts, yihhhaaaAAAAAHHH!!!

  • @jpbturbo The problem with not having someone just set the requirements is that there are an infinite number of good ways of doing this, but we have to settle on a few simple rules and stick to it to proceed.

    I'm not opposed to the use of color, but that does imply some post production at the end, to match the various cameras. Maybe at the end everyone who wants to could assemble their own cut and color grade it so it seems more of a piece, and add their own soundtrack. If however we stick with the concept of a simple 'automatic' sort of piece, not edited but assembled in order of submission, then I think we should probably stick to B&W. In any case I think we need to keep to shooting 1080 24p.

    10 seconds seems like a long time to me, 15 seconds may be Ok.

    Dialogue is a whole 'nother can of worms. Again, any of these could be good ideas but someone's got to lay down the law before we can proceed. @maxr you animated the first corpse, do you want to give the final rules? I'm willing to be the dealer and/or be one of the editors at the end if that's the way we want it to go.

  • My god i ´m so ashamed... :) well Nice peanut sniffing, grandes ovations à vous mon cher! Give me rules îll f..k them and give you lovely résultat! Hope we can cross paths to meet around Paris :)

  • I would like to see us use color this time around.

    I think the shots should be allowed to be longer than 10 seconds if you are requiring a fade in/out to black.

  • I like all the above rules... was going to object to the object, but as it can be found freely, e.g. a rock, a leaf, etc. then I think it's a great idea. I might propose a dialog element (just a suggestion), where that ten seconds carries a spoken narrative that is continued from the previous narrative. Perhaps a single word from the last leads to the next?

  • I propose:

    1. no limit to total submissions but all must be submitted within a 30 day period
    2. each shot must be no more than 10 seconds
    3. black and white, no editing
    4. shot must begin and end with black, however that is accomplished in-camera
    5. shot must include one agreed on object

    object: how about a peanut?! that's even better than the felafel @maxr. No deep frying involved. I once tried to make felafels in a pan, just soaked up a huge amount of olive oil and didn't turn out like it would in a deep fryer.

  • we figure out a thème and problems

    No theme & no problems - water

    and we all do it all at the same Time we would gain Time

    Right on, like the time with caps - cold chimay beer (red top)

    we got a date to give the vids to the dealer

    Wrong seigneur des caniches enragés, you deliver when you want, the limit is set when number of admissions<=>delivered (previously set) is reached - more wasser

    Does it sound ok to you all? And also a thing that i found to not be on the principle if a réal cadavre exquis it´s the fact that we should begin and finish on a frame that is the same let´s say black, white etc... It´s supposes to be the same image at the end of the prévious vid ans finish on somethîng usable by the nesxt vidéo boy/girl

    First a DRY martini (avec noilly prat) - my dear @michal, where to start...? things go fast, lately we want to go faster than life... there's no useful airbag for the speed we're aiming. you're right about the corpse and I'll confess to you that I believe that with more repetitions the exquisite corpse (the surrealist way) would end up being something worthy of kissing :P

    Sadly and not so, man proposes and god disposes, fuck god! Anyway, we did the first corpse, wait, WE DID THE FIRST CORPSE!!! Now for "reasons" explained above (read it tomorrow again, please) AND also because of feedback received, I am proposing another corpse a little bit different.

    So let´s do a vid finishing by a black or withe frame or somethîng else easy to follow/loop for the next person...! Are we ok?!

    Time for the absinthe (big glass, no pussy licking yet) with the whole ceremony - This new corpse would have her own room to play (call it thread) and new clothes (call them rules/limitations). By no means that kills this thread here or even the possibility, as I suggested before, of other corpses going on.
    Be my guest in taking over or starting a new thread with your own tweaks... if it is interesting be sure I'll be participating ;-)
    We're super ok brotha

    I bet, I'm really serious, that if we all get pissed we'll make the corpse in... no Time • yes, the sniffing peanuts' guy it's me

  • @maxr I'd color all the shots in post, but only if everyone already dyed their felafels red or a bright color to distinguish them from the background. But I don't think people are going to be bothered with that so nevermind. Otherwise the felafel would be too close in color to the surroundings and too hard to isolate, and I'm not about to rotoscope everyone's balls.!

    If everyone had (one) felafel in their shot then it would be enough that we might not need to see the previous person's shot.

  • Ok i read myself îm a little Drunk but i think it makes sense ...

  • Ok so let would say we say there would be 13 people or more involved, we figure out a thème and problems (b&w, 10scd longest vid etc...) and we all do it all at the same Time we would gain Time...;) we got a date to give the vids to the dealer, we do anything we want to the vid asong as it correspond to the limits givén by the dealer? Does it sound ok to you all? And also a thing that i found to not be on the principle if a réal cadavre exquis it´s the fact that we should begin and finish on a frame that is the same let´s say black, white etc... It´s supposes to be the same image at the end of the prévious vid ans finish on somethîng usable by the nesxt vidéo boy/girl ... So let´s do a vid finishing by a black or withe frame or somethîng else easy to follow/loop for the next person...! Are we ok?!

  • hey @Alien friend

    How about everybody puts a felafel in their shot?!

    ja ja ja ... sounds good to me

    At the end in post we turn everthing black and white except for the one red felafel ball

    you volunteering? :-)


  • How about everybody puts a felafel in their shot?!

    At the end in post we turn everthing black and white except for the one red felafel ball...

  • Hey guys!!
    After the massive activity happened here :P (thanks Ted for input) I've been trying to connect the leftovers fragments.
    Personally, right now, I am not very interested in a narrative and rationalionalize collaborative video project. It is true that also is something far more ambitious and difficult to achieve... or not. Yet, flexibility exists, must. I've picked ingredients of feedback and came out with this:

    A new collaborative corpse/GAME, thought of Partially Random Corpse, which would consist in
    1 shot per person
    2 to 10 secs duration
    24p1080 SOC (straight out of camera)
    a common object present in all shots

    WE should find an object that is the same in all places (countries), so to give more stickiness cohesion to the project. B&W or colour limitation would greatly depend upon the object chosen; if coulour's the case, WE could restrict the colour palette too.
    Though I'm not inclined/keen on, WE could also discuss a soundtrack (would maybe work as the genre @Alienhead propossed) but mainly for inspiration.

    Here's the big change (a tweak on Vitaliy proposal), the participation process would be different. I'll leave the project email contact and, after the corpse has started, the deliver order will set the final chronology of the corpse. This has two main advantages, first it speeds the whole thing while maintaining a pseudo-exquisiteness (even more random) which I believe would contribute on making the NEW thread a more experience/feedback friendly exchange. Secondly it puts a bit of organization in the participants... without exiting the game experience and also easing (by sharing) my dealer task.

    We would need to get to a deadline or, better, a number of admissions, then once that number's reached, it is only juxtaposing the shots. So... what do you think???

    Wanna give some feed on the object? Number of participants? Any other improvements, changes, directions, general feed???

    Looking forward to this new adventure with you, PV's wanderers


    the other day I made 2 and 1/2 Kg of falafels, ate them with friends... just for fun blended siily text in a pic

  • I prefer rules that would have a more cohesive result. For instance, if there was an agreed-upon genre, such as 'Western' or 'Horror', in addition to some technical requirements (black and white, 10 seconds or less). If anyone wants to vote for a horror-western, I'm up for that! I can take the initiative as organizer for this, if it's rule-bound enough that expectations are clear.

  • Da's ff schrikken. Schrijft er ineens iemand Nederlands tegen me.

    Practice delivers art, toch?

    Altijd weer Rome, ze hebben die Autodrop veel te lekker gemaakt, want alle wegen leiden naar Rome.

  • well well well

    Where to start? hummmmm... I'm exhausted and; right now and at the risk of sounding silly, fuck it, let it sound silly; my heart is much too open. For those that understand, I'll say no more: for those who don't I'll say no more, just wear life jackets ;-)

    @Fool4UAnyway I like the anglo-saxon saying (sexy!) practice makes perfection, luckily it is not true which is even more enticing. Begrijp je wat ik zeg?

    Matt (matt_gh2) has the right of expressing himself, right or wrong doesn't matt=er, he has proven to be reasonable and I'll call what we had a dialog. If we're going to nourish fights, we're not gonna get anywhere. Beware of my own contr+adictions, je je je

    now commandments, repeat with me brothers XD









    enough, you get the idea

    Next three days I'll be out. Please guys put the energy in getting a consensus on the details of our next corpse like: What - if any - didn't quite work/you didn't like (own POV) in first corpse; analysis. Is there going to be a theme? How long is going to have each person? Technicals limitations and formats. Building the list/schedule. Etc, etc.

    We can make it, what? have fun, know ourselves a little bit better, share precious experiences and some dirty jokes

    Ok, the errangelic sermon is over
    I wish you all a happy weekend

    A little present, before the sun rises.
    Today I went to the concert of a musician I've heard for quite some time: Mû
    Before the concert I had dinner with him and all the members of the band (each one from a different corner of the world), chat with his wife and the fantastic dancer. The saxophonist even gave me his nex 5n with a nikon ais 80f1.2 to take photos. I enjoyed beyond words. In the end (3am) we hug and he said thank you for your presence ... as I had to reply to those deep black eyes and HUGE smile, I said keep your heart open ... how silly

    here you can listen and download (legally) four of his' albums

  • "Dare to be stupid", Weird Al Yankovic sung.

    OK, I assume there are many more that think this project has resulted in garbage. Luckily they don't all feel the need to mention that. I at least was very interested to see what it would end up like, but I do not consider myself to be able to Judge whether it is good or bad. I may like or dislike it.

    If you like it, or perhaps miss something you expected, you can provide feedback which may effect in a next project or step getting better (in "your" way or to your eyes or ears).

    I41 have camera(s) because I like to record images. It mainly started with windmills in 2003 when digital cameras were not yet all around. (I never owned an analog camera before that.)

    I may be able to shoot some nice stills, video is another story. But I also like the possibility and was more or less forced to use that when my first GH1 refused to take any other (good exposed) stills.

    Since I am not that experienced in video, my target isn't to create great movies. I try to put some fun into my clips, get it out of them or simply record moving images of what I also like to take stills of. It's a way of passing time and putting attention to something, just having a small target other than this "great production".

    So, I do not post very often, here is just a clip I shot a few weeks ago. You may enjoy this if you can understand the dutch language. (I haven't yet heard of any Google live vocal translation service.) If you don't know what I am saying (improv'ing?), it may be a very boring experience watching these images. On the other hand, you might also create your own story around them or based on them.

    My suggestion for any new project would be: create a narrative as sound, just someone telling a story. Have participants shoot images for this story. The collector and dealer (the manager, one person) can then select parts of these clips and mix them together to a story, which could result in very funny movies, but of course, there is no guarantee. And even if it is not a pleasure for those who watch it (and do or don't speak their minds), the process of creating by itself could be a joy to all participants.

    Oh, I laughed my ass off while typing this message.

    Of course, that is not true, but it was just an attempt to be funny.

    At least, I had some fun myself, even if it was only for setting up some good reasoning.

    I'll leave you all in confusion.

    LOL, after reading this message, here it (finally) is, this clip I mentioned:

  • movies are anything that is making use of moving images. garbage is when our minds fail to find a place for something.

    6.5 thousand million humans. 1 is enough to engage in any of the processes above. 1 is also what is necessary to engage others into belief systems that can condition the perceptions of many. there is big illusion in the notion of a common language, and the necessity for it, as that of the possibility of a private one.

    minds vibrate period.

    @matt_gh2, find a church, be safe.

  • @maxr Haha - Diehard style eh? Watched that a few years back - it held up pretty good.

  • gashô^ @matt_gh2

    ^ deeply respectful (physical but not only) gesture

    which doesn't take I could still have a shotgun taped to my back ;-)

  • @maxr & @Alienhead & @VK You all make good points. @maxr LOL re "perhaps we got off on the wrong foot"...yeah, that seems to come right before the guns blaze (True Romance?). Fully understand where you all are coming from in terms of "game" mindsight. All cool. In terms of technique I just merely had in mind what most people do for filmmaking, which involves writing, rewriting, casting, rehearsing, shooting, reshooting, editing, re-editing. I think that can be done with an attitude of fun and freedom, along with the goal and ambition of the film. Distance and time constraints are a bitch obviously, so everyone has to do what they can. Guess we were talking apples and oranges ("game" focus for fun, vs film production). All good - no harm no foul - hope no offense was taken.

    If you do it right, and you don't need drugs to do it right, you'll be "high" enough to scratch his forehead...and then float high enough that you forget him. That's one spot where great ideas may come from.

  • @matt_gh2

    I think that you are missing the point with "The Corpse".

    There are people of all different levels of skill and experience here, with many different end goals.

    To say that we are all trying to create "something great" by submitting a 5 second clip, as it was shot out of the camera, is taking things a bit far.

    I know that the reason that I took part was to get away from taking things too seriously and just have some fun.

    The day that I shot my clip, I had just finished about 2 weeks of prep (as DoP) for a 3 day shoot that was to take place the next day under the watchful eye of Bèla Tarr. If you are not familiar with his work, then go look him up and you will see that he takes things very seriously indeed.

    Shooting a few seconds of collaborative video just to see what will come out of it and have some fun can be relieving at times...

    So go easy, and try and see the usefulness in all things.

  • Matt you're maybe right about

    for those who have ambition to produce something great...I say you need to be focused...and focused in a way different than the corpse technique

    But you're also missing that this is supposed to be just a voluntary and amicable exchange of videos between fellow PV forumners.
    Now, perhaps we're starting with the wrong foot (I love this phrase in the movies and then they start shooting like crazy).

    Would you be kind enough to elaborate a "technique" that could allow us to, in your words, attack a goal with ambition all while doing so with a sense of fun and freedom with the constrains of distance and little time? And pretty please I beg you not to answer (me) with a yes and no... out of respect ;-)... like the one I have for you. I'm not being cynic, ironic or paternalistic

    Relief offtopic, I pray at this time tomorrow I'll be soooo high I can scratch god's fluffy balls