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Official Low GOP topic, series 5
  • 751 Replies sorted by
  • @flaschus

    Thanks! looks nice. :-)


    It turns out that a cadence issue sometimes occurs in 60i and HBR of my settings. (I am not sure in PAL.) I am improving now.

  • @flaschus that is some amazing detail - you can see the smaller mesh fencing inside of the larger fence.

  • screenshot of gop3zilla 1.12 w/orion matrix. 14mm pana..+uv,nd8,cp

    1920 x 1080 - 5M
  • Thank you @bkmcwd

    Yes, @driftwood has really worked hard. Amazing patches.

  • @ishvar Thanks always mate! :-)

    I'll check it later.

    @rorykane Thanks. :-)

    Although I have not done comparison with other persons' setting, I think that my settings are considerably stable except 720p.

  • @proaudio4 Thanks mate. :-)

    I think that it is natural that it is "silent" since I can convey neither the opinion of me nor comment to everybody well.

    I was able to know the world class level, thanks to your severe test. And although it was difficult for me to understand English, I learned many things from great works of @driftwood. His works have persuasive power more remarkable than a mouth.

  • @royfel If it is an affair of a setup of the upper sample shooting, it has indicated to the vimeo page.

  • What have you guys come up with to make HBR mode stable? So far I have a frame limit and bit rate limit combination that's giving stability in GOP3. Using a 95 MB/s card also helps. I've tried several other people's settings, and they weren't stable in HBR. Driftwood's Quantum X (v3b Rocket) RC VBR (28/02/2012) is one that was stable.

  • @Stray

    "I'll try and get out tomorrow"

    take your time! :-)

  • @bkmcwd Really appreciate your hard work. I plan to test this tomorrow. Could someone please confirm that I've got this right: GOP3ZILLA is more robust and stable than Flow Motion,offers higher bitrates and is less prone to macro-blocking and noise? Also could someone briefly explain to me the practical benefits of GOP3ZILLA Natural with towi's matrix? Please forgive my igorance.

  • @bkmcwd Did a short test with your latest settings with my 8-16mm Sigma lens and the Sachtler Artemis. Nothing special, just a test. Recorded 24p H on a cheap Trancend 32 GB class 10 card and it went fine! Average bitrate around 70 mbs. 25P HBR settings froze with this card. Thanks for all your great work! ps yes cadence was a problem as it turned out in streamparser so i will load your latest settings this week.

    setup GH2 with Sigma 8-16mm:

  • @bkmcwd

    We're not silent anymore > We're all here thanking you for working so hard on your settings!

  • @towi The weather ruined my shooting plans today, but I'll try and get out tomorrow. I have the HQ matrix on GOP3ZILLA ready to go. I have shot with it a bit around the house and outdoors but I can't really get enough of a feel for it to give any conclusions. I feel that the bitrate does drop a fair bit over the setting without your matrix (as you've said of applying the matrix to the 'Natural' settings), but thats based on similar shots I made a couple of days ago. Anyroad, will shoot more and get back to you, but as you say the results are going to be a personal taste thing at the end of the day.

  • I'm starting to regret I didn't read this thread yesterday... I would have uploaded bkmcwd's newest release instead of shooting 24p Intra @ L today.. Oh well, better to learn late than never!

  • @driftwood

    "Its taken months of testing for him to get where it is today and I whole heartedly reccommend people try it. It pisses on any other GOP3 or longer gop setting. period."

    I agree!

    Looking forward to try your upcoming Sedna matrices in bkmcwd 's setting.

  • Ok I'm sold. Please mkmcwd your settingsfor film? Vivid, Nos, std -1,-1?

  • @driftwood

    Thanks Nick! :-)

    All the work of mine was completed thanks to your great works.

  • Just to reiterate for any new users @bkmcwd 's setting is an incredible setting which I will use if I'm after longer recordings than my INTRA stuff. Its taken months of testing for him to get where it is today and I whole heartedly reccommend people try it. It pisses on any other GOP3 or longer gop setting. period.

  • @bkmcwd "Was it transmitted"

    Yes I get it, its pretty much what I thought were the reasons behind it. Thanks.

  • @Stray

    Although there is no telling whether to be transmitted in my strange English, I do my best and explain. ;-)

    First, I tell that my GOLGOP3-13 works in around 100M (although exceeded a little in fact ) AS A RESULT. I cannot do controlling this freely YET. If I do not operate GOP_related and an Encoder settings parameters, in the passage that this setting is usual, the bitrate goes up to 140M, but a buffer becomes insufficient and image quality also deteriorates, as you know. The bitrate was able to be prevented from going up by operating an Encoder setting more than needed.

    And one more, I understand that setting in which the bit rate of "Patches for end users" is somewhat higher than Top and Bottom Settings is stable.

    Although I am sorry to have not been unable to explain well, I also consider the setting which actually works in around 100M that being made by the same technique is possible.

    Was it transmitted?

  • @bkmcwd To clarify the question @towi is asking, and my own understanding. As you said the setting is using around 100M is the bitrate set to what it is (much higher) to maintain the behaviour (the relationships between the other values in the setting) of the setting. I know the bitrate set controls what some internal parameters are set to, or how the camera will function. Simply put, is the setting at 144M to control/stabilise it although it will never get much over 100M in practice ?

  • @Stray @proaudio4 Thanks mate! :-)

    Moreover, since I had stuck wrong zip, I reraised. ;-)

  • @bkmcwd Amazing, Thank you for your hard work!

  • Wow, that looks like an amazing piece of work. Thanks @bkmcwd for still pushing for more out of GOP 3.

  • @Stray

    Thank you for your explanations. :-) I am sorry that I cannot explain in English well. Instead, I made the new one near the setting using around 100M in 24H which @towi has described. I think that you understand if you look at Streamparser what kind of character it is. When the result of the Stray's test chart was looked at by StreamEye, it turned out that the codec is not wavering.

    I release the newest "GOLGOP3-13_v4.1" setting. This is also a TEST setting for using low qp with 3GOP.

    Of course, this is also the setting focused on image quality with LARGE I-FRAME SIZE except 60p and 50p.

    Please try it.

    Im so sorry!!! The 1st zip is wrong, 2nd is right.


    GOLGOP3-13_V4.11, improved version released, 3rd zip.


    *24H mode is high quality 3GOP setting with mega size I-frame.

    *24L mode is for 24p80%(30p).

    *In camera playback is available.

    *EX Tele works.(Maybe)

    *Spanning in 24H, 24L, maybe in FSH, HBR, and SH with SanDisk 95MB/s 64GB SDXC Card.(In my death chart test,24p,25p,30p,50i,50p are spanning in ISO12800 repeatedly. In ISO3200, 60i and 60p are also spanning.)

    1295 x 632 - 178K
    1297 x 632 - 154K
    1297 x 633 - 172K
    1298 x 634 - 162K
    1297 x 632 - 170K