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War is not too far
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    Fighters for real democracy (tm) are coming to conquer couple of new countries.

    Using same criminal mass media making news out of nothing.

    It can be repeat of the 1930's. Time left for US and EU economic systems is running out and China is fighting for any extra second to invest in the fire power as much as they can. As it is pretty clear who'll be named responsible for final fuck up.

    Syrya and Iran are responsible for all evil things just because they exist.

    720 x 878 - 156K
  • 38 Replies sorted by
  • Here's a map showing the extent to which Iran is threatening the US. each star is an American military base...

    537 x 493 - 59K
  • Who gets the new clapp?

  • The British/American commonwealth has ruled the seas and world trade for 2 centuries. Yankee greenbacks and the English language are what makes the world go round. China will never get paid, China got hood-winked into 1 Trillion of worthless securities. Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria and Iran will all fall in line.

  • Russia has a Naval Port in Syria. Russias only access to the Mediterranean.

  • I doubt there will be a war over the Straits of Hormuz any time soon. Even Iran needs to export its oils through it. Besides, the impact on fragile US and European economies will be severe, if not disastrous. With our current debt level, I do not see the US going to war. The war on Iraq already costs the US $4000B+ (that is almost 1/3 of the current US debt overall) not counting the 10+ year war in Afghanistan (an another $1000B+)

    Since the 1970s, the US always maintain 2 aircraft carrier groups in the Arabian sea (out of the 11 carriers). I forgot which one, but I believe that 1 of the US carrier is replacing 1 carrier which is due to return to the US for refit: a week ago, it just transited thru the Canal of Suez. That is why you have 3 carrier groups in the Arabian sea at this time, but it is transitory. As to the Amphibious group, the HQ of the US 5th fleet is in Bahrain.

  • To believe that the US n UK are the good guys here, that they are intervening for the good & freedom of the oppressed? u really need to get ur head checked.

    They r disappointed Russia n China vetoed but they will get their war, by hook or crook they want it.


    I really like to keep it in economics side of things.

  • I just read disgraceful remarks about Vitaly's foreign policy views made by one of the British persona-view members and decided that I need to express how much I support what Vitaly is doing here when he touches upon global affairs and promotes fair discussion of the hot burning issues. 90% of the world are fed up with the US and British policy of neocolonialism. One needs to be totally brainwashed and blind to ignore it. One needs to be a heartless moron to applaud NATO killings in Libya or Iraq or the bombings of Yugoslavia. Again, thank you Vitaly and keep doing what you do. Personally I don't believe that this giant machine will be stopped until it finally reaches Russia or China (which is actually its ultimate goal). But when that happens it will be already too late to complain.

  • @Vitaliy The American ship are there to provide and promote Freedom...

    Freedom to control the world oil supply.

  • A NATO naval group, SNMCMG2, will dock at the harbor of La Goulette, the northern suburb of Tunis from February 9-13, 2012.

    The flagship "Mehmetpasa", will be accompanied by four minesweepers coming from various NATO member-nations:

    • ITS Alghero - a minesweeper affiliated with the Italian Navy

    • ESPS Turia - a minesweeper affiliated with the Spanish Navy

    • TCG Akcakoca - a minesweeper affiliated with the Turkish Navy

    • HMS Ledbury - a minesweeper affiliated with the British Navy


  • Drive from Manitoba to Alaska and you'll see there are 1000s of capped oil wells ready to start pumping with the flick of a switch. Canada is gearing up to provide China with 2million bpd and that whole deal had to be approved by uncle sam. I think U.S. and China are working behind closed doors and carving up the resource map. The Ayatollahs are dead and they just don't know it. End of march it starts.

  • Now that the U.S.A. and Israel are making more of a presence they are going to be far less likely to back down at the risk of losing face. It would not surprise me if a US or Israeli ship were the Gavrilo Princip as it were, causing a knee jerk reaction that would set a much larger war in motion.

  • Since I do not speak Russian, my daughter (who does) kindly translated the original chart and photoshopped the translated text. Here is the result.


    720 x 878 - 155K
  • Israel has a paranoid right wing government obsessed with security. Let's not forget about that. Security security security.

  • @kicap

    I sent tmcan link from CNPC site describing situation, Yep, he is right, but his 37% number is wrong, as it is indeed just formal share in one filed. But they take part in almost all big projects. And do not publish how actual oil is distributed.

  • I work for an oil company and what ever @tmcat told about the CNPC is true. We have to share the oil reserve my company managed to get a share uner CNPC. I can't told you which company I work for as it is not ethical to do so on an open website like this.

    Anyway, Vitaliy was right, it is more than just the oil....believe me....

  • I was 18 and worked for a telecoms company on a US military installation, one that provided commercial service to troops.

    Twisting facts is a bad thing, yes. If you read the article I linked you to you would have noticed that it mentions that this is just one of China's interests in Iraq, not the ONLY one. I can devote research to it if you want. I never vouched for business week, just shared the article.

  • @tmcat

    That they control, 'most of the oil in Iraq is a hyperbole.' In fact, China doesn't even control a majority of it. The CNPC has 37%; BP has 38% and Iraq has 25%.

    Twisting facts is bad thing. And your link tells that they have certain stake in one consortium that will develop one oil field.

    I know this because I spent a lot of time in Iraq in 2010

    Can you tell that you did in Iraq in 2010?

  • am not critical of china's interest in Iraqi oil, they've been ongoing since 1997. That they control, 'most of the oil in Iraq is a hyperbole.' In fact, China doesn't even control a majority of it. The CNPC has 37%; BP has 38% and Iraq has 25%. I believe though, that the reason why China has so much control is due to US and other foreign debt to china, and not so much about chinese interests in Iraq. I know this because I spent a lot of time in Iraq in 2010 and it was a hot topic of debate, but here is an article that reflects it.

    Yes, you can't start a war with Iran without Syria, 'under control,' but Syria is absolutely not under control now.

  • CNPC controls most of the oil in iraq.

    Can you tell me your info source on this?

    There isn't oil in syria so I don't think it is about that.

    It is about many things. First one is that you can't start war with Iran with Syria not under control.

  • Syria is shaping up to be kind of like vietnam in reverse, with Russia and China supporting ngo dinh diem's gov (assad) and the West backing revolutionaries. The US in the meantime, owes so much to China that they had to give the oil reserves in Iraq to them; so now, the CNPC controls most of the oil in iraq. There is little oil in syria so I don't think it is about that. I equate it to being like Vietnam cause all I really see are ideals as the cause, along with (maybe) Israeli security. Israel can be the most stubborn nation in the entire world. Their foreign policy is seemingly devoted to inspiring hatred and fear of themselves, and being so schizophrenic, they could easily drop the bomb.

    @Chaos123 Paul is a racist moron with the worst foreign policy of any candidate. Plus he's way too old to win. I want Jimmy Ca- i mean Obama, to win. Any of the other candidates literally guarantee world war, plus the annihilation of Israel, in my opinion. I lived in Israel for a year, Lebanon for seven, and Iraq for one. I was in the middle east for both the Iraq wars, and even though I am an american, it is the greatest object of obsession and sympathy to me.

  • the bible is the best film script ever written, its not what it predict., they will make it happen.

  • @bitcrusher

    :-) I have strong suspicions that if we'll see such crater we'll also see much bigger ones in other areas of the world :-)

  • There will just be a smoking crater were the natanz nuclear facility is. The US is not going to have another ground war in the middle east. Nobody will care a month after the attack.