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Why Are There No Movie Stars Anymore?

Every weekend, movies are opening, and we're seeing a real-time test of who is actually a movie star in Hollywood. Stars used to be the reason people saw movies in the theater. They were responsible for huge opening weekends, for movies having legs, and for them doing well overseas. But in the current climate of IP-driven Hollywood, the titles have become the draw themselves. Those tentpoles and sequels outshone stars, and changed the entire platform of Hollywood. Now, we're stuck in a very weird situation—one where there are very few, or maybe even no, movie stars anymore. So, how did we get here? Why Are There No Movie Stars?There isn't a singular reason why the classic "movie star" seems absent nowadays. Instead, it's a shift due to several factors. The first is that studios prioritize established franchises over original stories, lessening the impact of individual actors. Think about your favorite Marvel actors, they haven't had the best time opening movies outside of that franchise on their own. Another reason we're lackin in stars is that studios are also less likely to finance mid-budget films, which used to be where actors went to prove their stardom, before being given franchises. While this doesn't mean there's a lack of incredible actors, the definition of a "movie star" is changing rather than disappearing.The only test to see if someone actually is a star is to put them in an oirignal film and see how that opens in theaters.Only then can we truly tell...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - Friday, 10 May

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