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The 'Baby Reindeer' Ending Explained

Netflix's Baby Reindeer is a rare miracle of a hit show. Despite sporting no big names and filled to the brim with dark and potentially triggering subject matter, Baby Reindeer somehow attracted enough viewers to earn 18.6M views from April 29 to May 5. It still sits in Netflix's top five as this is written. If you're reading this article analyzing the hit miniseries ending, I'm assuming you're aware of the set up—Donny Dunn (writer Richard Gadd, based autobiographically on his own harrowing experience) is stalked by a a socially off-putting loner named Martha (Jessica Gunning). But, as you likely know, what starts on the surface as a dark dramedy about Donny and Martha's unfortunate dynamic patiently unravels a deeper thematic spindle on the power of empathy, how that can counter balance against self hatred, and how a journey to be loved can leave you brutally vulnerable. While not without its laughs (Gadd is a great comedy writer and is never soullessly bleak), Baby Reindeer is certainly not for the feint of heart. If you've been sitting on it for a couple weeks or just watched the closing credits, here at No Film School we'd like to offer a safe space to debrief. Please enjoy our analysis below, and don't be afraid to cry if you need. I know I sure am! As implied by the title please be aware there are spoilers below. The Meaning Behind "baby reindeer" in 'Baby Reindeer'The true meaning behind the title of Baby Reindeer...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - Friday, 24 May

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