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Is Diversity a Risk for Streaming Viewership? Absolutely Not, Says UCLA Report

For anyone unfamiliar, the Hollywood Diversity Report is an 11-year-running annual in-depth analyses of the industry at large. Developed by UCLA, it's an audit of sorts of tracking diversity behind and in front of the camera, as well as comprehensive breakdowns of the audiences and what they’re watching in the theaters and at home.This extensive research project is broken down into parts, with the first released last year revealing "women and people of color drove box office numbers" (via UCLA's media release). Part two is here to focus on everyone's favorite new catered cable programming, streaming. The general summary of the report shows that women and people of color were extremely dominate in viewership for streaming this year. This is important for representation in many big ways, as it shows that diversity in front of and behind the camera naturally draws an audience at shouldn't be viewed as a "risk." As UCLA’s executive vice chancellor and provost, and co-founder of the Hollywood Diversity Report puts it:"We know investing in diversity isn’t a risk. It should be considered a strategic business imperative if Hollywood wants to survive.”It's a very concise and important point made by Hunt. We often hear big studio movies timid to make earnest diverse films due to the "risk" of alienating their audience. Which, in theory, is pretty silly when you consider the grander population of the world, and it's important and cool to see these numbers presented by the report. Anyway. Here at No Film School we...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - Friday, 24 May

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