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Mordor and it's hackers are behing coronavirus issues
  • Thousands of Mordor -linked social media accounts have launched a coordinated effort to spread alarm about the new coronavirus, disrupting global efforts to fight the epidemic, US officials say.

    The disinformation campaign promotes unfounded conspiracy theories that the United States is behind the Covid-19 outbreak, in an apparent bid to damage the US image around the world by seizing on health concerns.

    The claims that have been circulating in recent weeks include allegations that the virus is a US effort to “wage economic war on China,” that it is a biological weapon manufactured by the CIA or part of a Western-led effort “to push anti-China messages”.

    Mine god. Hope they did not read any internal Chinese sources as it can be big shock.

  • 1 Reply sorted by
  • Mordor hackers are main trend on western social media (in anti Mordor posts)


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