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HP Remote Graphics Software
  • Hi, I'm thinking of buying a new workstation for video editing (Adobe based) as my iMac seems not be enough. And Apple hardware offers for pro video editing are just ridiculous. The problem is that I feel so good with the OSX enviroment, getting back to Windows would be very difficult. I was thinking of keeping my Mac and user it to remote control a powerful PC when dealing with video applications. And I was thinking of HP RGS software . Has anybody some experience or advice in this regard? Thank you all

  • 4 Replies sorted by
  • How about just build hackintosh instead of this?

    It can work, but you need really good network speed and it will be not the same (and will add load on source PC).

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev once I used to build my PCs, but today, as video is my job, I prefer to rely on a "safe" system, so I'm quite dubious about a hackintosh. I fear there could be tons of things going wrong and I could spend a lot of time just trying to figure out the problem. Thanks for the input on RGS

  • @flablo

    Why not try? Just read a little on this, and if it won't work easy you just go Windows way.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev I just found someone here in Italy that makes hackintoshes ( That could be a good idea, spending a little more than DIY but with lower risk