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  • I am very interested to know why all think that they need a car.
    Personal car. In poor countries - at least one car in a family.
    In rich countries - second car for each family member (and it is time to buy one for your doggy, isnt' it?).
    Most of the time it is no longer time saver even, instead it is big time and health waste.
    Millions of motherfuckers sitting in steel boxes creeping at 5-10km/h.
    Fuck'em all.
    Same motherfuckers driving their car to their nearest mall or mini-market,
    Thanks to them, instead of normal yards full of trees, we now have huge parking lots.
    Each fucking car needs many parking lots. One near home. One near mall. One near office. One in protected parking, in not so rich countries people like to steal your car at nigh, you know. And at least few on the road.
    It is plain stupid to demand from drivers to keep distance, if they won't do it you'll need build less roads, pure mathematics, and because of less distance you'll have more incedents resulting in less remaining drivers, so, even less roads.

    What do you think?
  • 28 Replies sorted by
  • I think you're right - in theory. I try not to use the car and manage without on most days because the children's schools are all within walking distance, as are the shops and if I'm working at home, I don't need to go anywhere. Same with air travel - I don't do it.

    But a lot of countries and cities developed because of the car, so it would be pretty well impossible for some people to do what I do. I moved to the edge of a large town so I could do this - where I was before, the nearest shop was 7 miles away and there was no public transport.

    So I think people should continually question how much they use their cars, and with planning, you can minimise your use of it. Keeping things local is good for health, the economy and pollution - at least that's what I think. But it probably isn't quite that simple.
  • Personally, I hate cars too and I don't drive and don't own one(I'm 19:)) However, last year I was in London doing a foundation on film and there were times when I wished to god I had a car. Lugging a big travel suitcase full of camera equipment/monitors/lights and then holding another heavy tripod over the shoulder while going up and down stairs in the London underground going from location to location, from tube station to tube station, across the park, then paying the ridiculous taxi fees when we couldn't take transport was really and honestly not a fun experience. I just started doing driving lessons so at least next year I can maybe rent one whenever I really need one for filming. And even when it's not completely necessary, there are times when it's plain convenient. The only undeniable fact is that in the current world situation , it is a luxury, full stop.
  • I am not against cars. Actually I have them :-)
    I am againts guys who think that they need a car because others need them.
    And number of this cocksuckers is really, really large.

    I can't remember book, very interesting book written by old activist (it was her, in fact) about history of public transport in USA and how major car manufacturers had special firms with sole purpose of buying municipal transport and shut it down (it had been before WWII).
  • Wanting anything just because other people have one, is probably unhealthy - whether it's a car or a camera. Surely what you do with what you have, is the important thing.
  • It will change... when oil goes skyrocketing.
  • >It will change... when oil goes skyrocketing.

    If it'll skyrocket real high, many US and some Europian cities will be in trouble.
    Many had been build with cars in mind, so you can't really do anything without it.
  • Buying anything because someone has it is a human characteristic. Many commercials base on it. P.E. : Look, Robert de Niro has it. You can be like Robert de Niro ;-). Choosing between what you want and what you need is very difficult. I've got a car. Citroen Xsara from 1,9 Diesel from 1998. It may go even on rapeseed oil from market. Whether I wanted it? No. Do I need it ? Unfortunately YES. I can't live without it.Do I buy another one ? Oh God NO !!!!
  • Well... when we had only 5% oil shortage which resulted $150 oil in 2008, guess what would happen when the peak oil is confirmed.

    What really concerns me is the food price. Sure everyone wanna own super nice cars. But no one can live without food. My coworker has been commuting w/ her bike for last 3 years. She consumes about twice more foods to be able to pedal. Sudden panic in oil causes food price skyrocketing, too. We have huge global food trading. Higher transportation cost on the final food price. It seems everything is pointing to higher food price unless we invent food pills like vitamin pills. Aging farmers, ruining farming lands, food epidemics, more bad weather. Collapse in global agribusiness will create a total pain. More hunger. More panic. More riot. More... etc.

    The way I see is that things will change whether we like it or not. It's been like that for decades, centuries, right? Before the subprime mortgage bubble burst in 2007 summer, there was food scare crisis in 2007 spring. Whenever there's food crisis, I think market will follow with major crash. Only mother earth can this madness. This year is particularly bad food cropping. Precursor to major market crash?
  • To me, cars are about freedom. The freedom to go where you want when you want it and not having to wait for public transport. It's about independence, not because other have them.
  • >Well... when we had only 5% oil shortage which resulted $150 oil in 2008,

    It was more complicated in 2008. Commodities 2008 hike theories exist and I doubdt that anyone can seriously think hat it had been oil shortage.

    As for food price.
    I always say to someone who want to invest - invest in basic food industry.
    Corn, wheat, meat, bread production. Water is also good. It will be new Apple :-)

    >Whenever there's food crisis, I think market will follow with major crash.

    Current market could crash even from one fart :-) All you need is mass panic and uncertainty.
    But it won't be crash as previous one, this will be more like small dip->uncertainty rise->fast printing->uncertainty rise->mass media lies->uncertainty rise->more speeches and money->uncertainty rise->hyper on commodities with parallel stock market rise (but without inflation it'll be huge crash).
  • Perhaps not good point of view of we talking about but good song with "car" in the title :
  • +1. Car gives more freedom. More privacy.
  • Fart effect like butterfly effect? You know Fed can't print foods.
  • >Car gives more freedom. More privacy

    Tank gives even more freedom and even more privacy. :-)

    >Fart effect like butterfly effect?

    Kind of. Because current system is mathematically unstable.
  • Tank is too slow and a gas guzzler unless it's a hybrid :)

    Mathematicians may be brilliant but not smart. If they can calculate risk, that's the true risk. All these derivative markets r based on mathematic model that can calculate risk values, right?
  • >Mathematicians may be brilliant but not smart.

    You mean that I am plain stupid? :-)

    >All these derivative markets r based on mathematic model that can calculate risk values, right?

    Right. And this models work perfectly.
    But in all models you can find initial conditions and restrictions.
    Same for derivatives. They are dangerous if used outside models.
    Especially if mass hysteria starts.
    Same as insurance, btw.
  • You are brilliant :)
  • >>I am very interested to know why all think that they need a car.

    Not everyone thinks that way. Some people prefer other means of transportation, because it's practical and all they can afford. In Bali, Indonesia for example, the moped or motorcycle is the way most people get around. Of course, those pollute a lot more than a modern automobile.

    Ultimately though, humankind has been moving onward and upward in transportation ever since the wheel was invented. Before cars, there were carriages and wagons and people needed them to move their goods from the farm to the market and/or from the market back to home. And since the car, we've seen airplanes and privately-owned spaceships.

    You might as well ask why people have more than one camera or more than one computer.

    Personally, I see nothing wrong with raising the standard of living for people around the world. Clean water, access to food and housing, transportation and medical systems seem like good things to me.

    Myself, and for full-disclosure, I have access to three cars: one for my home in California; one for my home in Washington State, and one furnished by my employer. Most of the time, I just take public transit, because it's more convenient, but when I need a car to visit friends/family, do photography, or just need to be somewhere that's not easy to get to via mass transit, a car cannot be beaten. Frankly, a car gives me some personal freedom, a feeling I first experienced when I learned to drive as a teen.

    Why do all think that they need a car? Once you've experienced that freedom to go anywhere, be anywhere, and feel like you can do anything whenever you want, of course people want a car.
  • san jose at rush hour... you will see one person driving alone per car, streets jammed and polluted. and if you ask around every body thinks they care about the enviroment but shows their disagreement for high gas prices. we love freedom thats why we dont have an army and ride cars "solo"
  • I hate cars.

    Luckily over time the curent demographics show that we are all moving into big citys. In the long run people will start to take more public transportation and live closer to work.

    When I was living in San Francisco we had a company called City Car which let you rent cars from your cellphone or from the web. They had cars spread out in the city so if need one you make a reservation, walk up to it and swipe it with your RFID card. It was amazing and made me feel like I was living in the future.
  • More people will move closer to big cities. Metropolitans will become mega metropolitans. Mega to super, etc.

    In fact the subprime collapse began from outer suburban rings. It takes a lot more to commute long due to the rising oil price. Move to the big cities!!! Consolidation is the keyword in this century. Consolidate everything. But bigger cities create more social and environmental and political issues.

    Why can't everyone live like Americans who own multiple cars? It's not sustainable. Things are changing in the States. I know a new community in development where each family can't own more than one car and they must use a metro to commute. Otherwise neighbors will report to Home Owners Association. Haha crazy. This is for saving energy.
  • @Vitaliy Yes there are water ETFs since last year. No I will not invest in water. Speculative money going into water and food... manipulating futures and playing with contango... squeezing more out of most commoners. Even if it might be next Apple, it just seems wrong thing to do.
  • >Even if it might be next Apple, it just seems wrong thing to do.

    Nothing wrong with it.
    Plus small investors do not affect this markets at all.
    It is the same as refusal to go along the wind during hurricane and all this because you afraid that it'll become stronger. It is hard to upset you, but he don't give a shit about you :-)
  • Oh nooooo.... but he dont give a shit about me.... sad... but so true.
  • At least it is using smaller amount of resources