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Is the rig market too saturated for a new product?
  • Hey everyone! I've been quiet here for a while, I've been reading threads but haven't had much to offer so I haven't been cluttering up threads with posts.

    I've had a secret for a while, I developed a low-cost hand held camera rig with minimal modular capability some time ago. I was all set to put it out there for people to try when China popped up with all these cheap-ish rigs. I decided to put my idea to rest as I knew I couldn't compete with all the different setups.

    Now, I was on a video shoot the other day where someone was using one of the cheap/low cost rigs from one of the "name brand" manufacturer. I saw that the camera operator never changed the rig and asked him why. His response was that it was too time consuming to do so and there were too many parts to adjust. My design has very few parts and only offers two or three configurations that I've seen most people use. Also, my intended selling price would be such that you could buy 3 of my rigs for the same cost as the "name brand" rig.

    Is this low-cost idea something that people would even be interested in? How many of you actually change your rigs to all the different possible configurations?

    Is it even worth trying to compete with the Chinese or "name brand" companies and their products?
  • 6 Replies sorted by
  • Personally, it seems like the low cost non-modular rig market is fairly saturated. Saturation doesn't mean anything if you have something that sets you apart. Is it significantly cheaper? Is the build quality significantly better? do you do something that nobody else does? If you can't answer yes to any of those, then you might need to go back to the drawing board.
  • @fatpig: I have an idea that I designed for the problem you speak of. I only have one prototype of that idea right now though.

    The whole purpose of my design was to be simple, durable and affordable yet offer an equivalent to the most sought after setups, I.E., two-hand grip, top grip and shoulder mount. I'm still trying to figure out an economical way to make the shoulder pads and counterweights.

    I have 15 rough prototypes of the two-hand/top grip version in various stages of testing. I've given out a few loaners to some people to try out and give me feedback.
  • @svart

    I think anything can be interesting on this market.
    I see no reason to sit on your idea, you need to act.
  • With so many people getting into the market I think there is still room. Product has to hit the mark in a functionally useful and unique way to get past the mostly copycat products out there. I'm always looking for something inexpensive but really useful. I'm sure there are many more like me out there.
  • @alcomposer: your link is broken.
    @svart: i have little to add except that i never change my rig, but that the one and only problem i know of, is to carry the weight (because its front heavy) on one hand when focusing, thats a pain. if someone found a solution to this, it would sell good.
  • Sure... Why not?

    Just make sure that you check out this FIRST!

    (If you need any help filming the adds- I am totally putting my hand up!)