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5DtoRGB & NeoCIne
  • I just came across 5DtoRGB by rarevision, is it the same thing as Neo Cineform transcoding H.264 to ProRes?
    the only difference to me is that 5DtoRGB free and another one is $130, will 5DtoRGB do the same as Neo?
  • 8 Replies sorted by
  • Wow... this is interesting...
  • Have people seen this

    Someone was saying that it is a free version of cineform (bought by gopro). Does it work with any camera file and what cineform output does it output?
  • thank you for information, it is all new to me, but I'm picking it up very fast... ;-) as I've found there is not much information and not many people are aware of these transcoders, as I know Adobe can handle real time editing. but to go a step further, in video quality, you probably need to consider these tools.
  • I was not aware that 5D now does audio. So really there seems to be little difference between Neoscene and 5DtoRGB unless one is willing to move up to Neo (to get First Light) which costs $299.
  • With the last update, audio is supported now so sync with pluraleyes no problem.

    My Workflow:

    1. Rewrap the files with media-converter:

    2. Change the .mov to .MOV with Adobe Bridge or any batch rename program of your choice, as following transcode batch script does not take .mov files.

    3. Use batch script for batch transcoding:

    4. hight quality prores transcoding for $0.
  • I think what you might really be wanting to compare is really Neoscene vs. 5DtoRGB. But I am just guessing.
  • Cineform is used for metadata effects, etc. (and also for 3D footage) . . . 5DtoRGB I'm not sure about. If they could keep some form of audio with it, that would be great, especially for use of pluraleyes synching of seperately recorded audio later down the line.
  • Cineform does audio and if you add the first light application (which costs even more) you do have the option of real time manipulation of some portion of the video (like applying color correction and LUTs) through metadata.