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Looking for a 45 degree rig elbow
  • I'm looking for this 45 degree rig elbow...but can't seem to find it under those keywords on eBay. Any idea how do people call those?

  • 7 Replies sorted by
  • @Brian2020 That's good for people who want just one angle and may work for Riker. I need something adjustable. But hell yeah - great DIY idea for fixed angle. Thanks

  • If your 15mm rods are threaded inside, just go to the hardware store and get a threaded rod that matches. Bend it n a vise to the desired angle and then cut out the bend plus a 1/2 inch on either side of the bend. Easy DIY.

  • @Riker I think a DIY solution is doable. I'm gonna head over to hardware store and see if I can find something like an adjustable hinge type thing. I'd like to use my rig for stability and have flexibility about how high or low the camera is. If I find solution I'll post it. Please let me know if you get a solution as well

  • Yes that's the part but is seems nobody is selling them least not on eBay.

  • Many types of shoulder rigs have that part in the rear, it is like a pivoting locking plate that can be tilted up or down in 45 degrees increments, since it locks on an octagonal shaped something.

    There is a screw on the other side of the rig in your pic that tightens the rear part in place at desired angle.

    For example, I have this 'advanced rig' from PV deals:

    Is that the part?

    800 x 511 - 72K
  • Can't seem to find it anywhere, not here, not on eBay...could it be some custom made part? Or did some previous rigs had that kind of 45' elbow rail?

  • I think search for shoulder pads and rigs. It is part of some rigs. Do not know if it is available separetely, hope so.