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Pantech Vega Iron 5-inch 'zero bezel' display
  • Actually zero bezel is 2.4mm thick. This is the first android phone looking cooler than iPhone.


  • 6 Replies sorted by
  • Sex sells. iPhone sexy. GF1 looks good. LX7 definitely. GH2 not really. X100S retro sexy look. The new android phone sexy. Nowadays smartphones have been commoditized. Of course the look matters to many people.

  • @mintcheerios

    The reality is that the target market includes 13 year old Justin Bieber fans and not solely engineers :).

    Interesting thing that as soon as you remove ability for manufacturers to use advertisment and mass media, things change a lot. You suddenly realize that people around you are smarter.

  • The sad truth is that looks often sell better than functionality in consumer products. Rio made some of the best MP3 players in terms of features (gapless playback, OGG/FLAC support, 5 band parametric EQ), but their products were always super ugly. They went down under and Apple usurped the market with their sexy, but functionally limited iPods. The reality is that the target market includes 13 year old Justin Bieber fans and not solely engineers :).

  • You know big breasts, hips and long hair aren't actually necessary but it sure does make the experience more pleasurable. :)

    This is bad analogy, in nature they are very necessary. You can go to nearest doctor and ask advantages of big hips :-) Same goes to hair and breasts. Pure pragmatism.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev, I take it that aesthetics mean nothing to you then :) In your world there is no need for industrial designers, stylists or fashion simply for the sake of beauty. I can think of many products i've owned and loved over the years for the functionality as well as the inherent beauty of it's design. The way the product works, handles, feels and yes how it looks. You know big breasts, hips and long hair aren't actually necessary but it sure does make the experience more pleasurable. :)

  • I always ask why you need something that "looks cooler". It is phone, and almost all last phones are not really performing this function very good. They are too large, and to easy to break.
    Moder phone is more like penis enlargement.