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Good results from cheap lenses
  • Modern imaging optics are highly complex systems consisting of up to two dozen individual optical elements. This complexity is required in order to compensate for the geometric and chromatic aberrations of a single lens, including geometric distortion, field curvature, wavelength-dependent blur, and color fringing.


    In this paper, authors propose a set of computational photography techniques that remove these artifacts, and thus allow for post-capture correction of images captured through uncompensated, simple optics which are lighter and significantly less expensive. Specifically, they estimate per-channel, spatially-varying point spread functions, and perform non-blind deconvolution with a novel cross-channel term that is designed to specifically eliminate color fringing.

    Interesting work, especially focused at specific deconvolution techniques.

    619 x 791 - 93K
  • 4 Replies sorted by
  • reminds me of adobes new deblur method, but with a nice calibration feature!

  • That being the case, if they ever release a plugin they will render an ocean of lenses currently languishing in attics and closets useful again.

  • @spacewig

    Yep! If you read their whitepaper, they applied this technique to a Canon lens as well. It looked quite sharp.

  • Couldn't they apply this technique on images captured with any lens?