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Issues with 3570k ivy bridge processor and Z77 / B75 motherboards
  • 41 Replies sorted by
  • @driftwood

    ok, The Asus is a cheap board and just have two slots, I will take a look wich slot Asus recommend to use just one module. I will follow this similar advice in Asrock printed manual when testing Asrock motherboard because it has 4 memory slots.

    In Asus I did a test changing memory frequency: 800mhz, 1066mhz, 1333mhz, 1400mhz and 1600mhz. 1600 does not boot. 1400 run but playback freezes after a while. 800 and 1066 boot but playback freezes instantly. One module in default frequency 1333 is working.

    The single module is in the Channel A in the Asus, so it is correct.

    I am using GT240 GPU, same used in the good old system.

  • @apefos Make sure you do as Asus suggest when retrying both 4Gb DIMMs (8gb memory). Install into slot A2 and B2 for max compatibility in Dual Channel mode.

  • So I decided to follow the advice about memory.

    In the Asus B75, I loaded the setup defaults on bios and just did the common setttings. So I started to get blue screen on boot. In the Asus manual, this means memory problem, and the advice is to press the Memory OK button. So I did this and got boot without blue screen, but video playback was not solved, still freezing. So I got the idea of removing one memory module and try the system with just one 4GB module. I did some playbacks and no freezing until now, but it is too early to say the problem is solved. I will edit the next video and if I get no freeze in some hours work, so I can consider problem solved, and in the future, when I have money so I can buy another memory. So within some days I will post here if working with one memory module solved the problem or not. It is too early to say problem solved yet.


  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev

    Thanks. This is the way to go. A small shop to do tests before buy anything. And when it works keep it untouched for years.


    I will do the memory test first, memtest is running, will do memtest86+ also

  • @apefos

    You are constantly selling, changing and upgrading without logic or system.

    Get your computer, find computer shop, better small one in your area (not mall or similar), go with your computer to this shop and do all things proposed step by step. Adding HDD, replacing memory, trying other CPU.

  • check memory is a good idea, but would need to borrow, not buy. or find a store which are willing to test for me before buy and to pay in 12x small monthly payments...

  • Sounds like memory. Do a memtest with this setup. You might have a faulty stick since handling and inserting in new mobo/check memory insertions. Also check cpu usage when running h264/video playback. Is it running 100% maxed out? Also re-/install K-Lite Codec Pack. Check PSU is ok.

  • about memory I don't believe because ivy bridge is compatible with 1333mhz memory which I own. and everything in computer is stable, just video playback is freezing. But who knows?

    Problem now is: no money to buy anything! I am considering to sell cpu and motherboard and do a downgrade to 2500k and p8p67 asus. but who knows it will work?

    what I know is the Q8400 and asus P5P43TD was working flawless.

    Maybe there is some software / driver issue not compatible with the ivy bridge architecture in windows 7?

  • And yes, people also told good idea to check memory.

  • @tinbeo

    He tested with GPU that is inside CPU :-)

  • I would buy a cheap GPU and test again

  • Could it be a problem with incompatible memory? You have upgraded the board but not the memory.

  • Issue can be, for example, in thing you are installing.

    Plus I have some issues understanding you completely.

    Try setting it to software only.

    But most probably best idea is to get from your friends fast HDD, install it as second drive and try.

  • well, I formated the hd and reinstaled everything again, so it is a new install each motherboard changes.

    I downgraded from Asrock Z77 to Asus B75 because it was a cheap attempt and another manufacturer and another chipset, but no solution...

    I removed the Gpu and used the onboard gpu, no solution...

    all other hardware is the same, just changed motherboard and cpu... this is why I am thinking there is an issue with ivy bridge platform.

    It freezes in H264 or in cineform all-i avi files also.

  • Not an expert of computers, but sounds like a gfx card problem. Could be something simple as drivers.

  • It is quite strange statement.

    First thing is not to make strange downgrade to B75.

    Issue here can be either in used H264 decoder (I mean software) or storage.

    Most probable cause for this is that you did not removed old drivers and may be some sother software settings remained.