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Anamorphic only close-focusing
  • Apologies if this is in the wrong section, it's my first new topic.

    I recently purchased an Eiki 16f Anamorphic lens, supposedly focusing from 5 feet to infinity. Oddly enough, it focuses from about 11 inches to about 3.5 feet. Infinity focus is impossible to achieve, regardless of how much I've stopped down the taking lens. I've tested with numerous primes, ranging from 20mm to 135mm, all with the same result.

    I'm curious to know if I'm completely out of luck, or if the lens just needs to be recalibrated by a tech... or if it's even possible. ...and before anyone asks, no there isn't a diopter on the lens!

    Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated! -0z-

    Here's a short video illustrating the problem.

  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • Thanks for the tip! I'll be sure to mention it to my tech.

  • @bubba, I thought that too .. it would be noce to know what has happened to the lens.

    I can vaguely refer to a forum I read about somebody reversing a rear element in an adapter to reduce the minimum focus distance .. perhaps somebody has done that .. speculation

  • I'd keep it as is...and buy another for medium and infinity.