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Capitalism: Infuencers will pay to Google, soon
  • We are experimenting with a new feature that displays a list of products detected in most videos, as well as related products. The feature will appear in between the recommended videos, to viewers scrolling below the video player. The goal is to help people explore more videos and information about those products on YouTube.

    Idea here is to force infuencers to pay for right to upload promotional videos, as well as fully replace their affiliate links with ones that will be fully owned by Google.

    Around one year ago I heard rumor from developers (this means that it had been actually developed!) that Goolge will get 30-50% cut from any affiliate link and will replace them to their own. having independent links will result in account instant ban.

  • 2 Replies sorted by
  • @hardimpact

    As society develops you can't make most things, as they are too complex, even medium firms can't.

    Goolgle is monopoly for long time, but it was designed as monopoly from day 1, same as Facebook.

  • smells like anti-trust to me. i wish there were an alternative to google search engine. all the ones i've tried can't search and fined anything. sometimes i am very close to making my own search engine that filters by your personality type and genres to find things faster. for example a poet gets more artistic search results and a computer nerd gets more technical results.