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Capitalism: New 5% tax coming for privilege to work from home
  • Deutsche Bank argues that in a time of pervasive covid shutdowns, "those who can work from home (WFH) receive direct and indirect financial benefits and they should be taxed in order to smooth the transition process for those who have been suddenly displaced."

    In other words, the argument goes that working from an office is somehow punitive, and since WFH during the pandemic leads to "many benefits" as a resulting "disconnecting themselves from face-to-face society" a 5% tax for each WFH day "would leave the average person no worse off than if they worked in the office." The bank calculates that such a tax could raise $49bn per year in the US, €20bn in Germany, and £7bn in the UK. "That can fund subsidies for the lowest-paid workers who usually cannot work from home."

    Some will argue against the tax. They will say that engagement with the economy is a personal choice and they should not be penalised for making that decision. Yet, these people should remember that governments have always backsolved taxes to suit the social environment. Consider that in centuries past, when it was socially unpalatable in the UK to introduce an income tax, the government implemented a window tax. As society changed, the window tax was abolished and, eventually, an income tax was introduced. In the same way, as our current society moves towards a state of ‘human disconnection’, our tax system must move with it.

    Nice. I am personally moving toward disconnection with imbecile clerks and corporate drones, we really need to throw them out.

    I am sure they already working on oxygen tax (I remember Greta saying something on it) and unhealthy food (meat and such things) tax (EU and Mordor already discussed this in parlaments)

  • 5 Replies sorted by
  • Tax for working home, smart asses, I’m laughing on this one, sadly.

  • @dancerchris

    I just want to underline nature of taxes.

    First taxes ever had been invented as smart thieves and robbers just went into regular subscription model (ala Adobe is doing now). They tough people that it is in their interest to just bring them certain amount of stuff at certain dates (they even invented long nice tales on how they will protect people from another, bad gangs of thieves and robbers). Various religions significantly helped to make backstory on this and became constant partners :-)

  • No doubt. Every thing you said is true.

    Just pointing out that there is savings to tax base, reduction of road use, lower carbon footprint etc. from telecommuting. To tax simply becuase you have a savings for telecommuting is essentially the mindset of taxing any source of capital which is typical...

  • @dancerchris

    All taxes, tax deductions and credits produce bunch of clerks aka cockroaches. And they start to nurture such way of life. adding new taxes, new points and more.

  • We should get a tax credit for reduced carbon emissions for not commuting.