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  • 28 Replies sorted by
  • I am not against cars. Actually I have them :-)
    I am againts guys who think that they need a car because others need them.
    And number of this cocksuckers is really, really large.

    I can't remember book, very interesting book written by old activist (it was her, in fact) about history of public transport in USA and how major car manufacturers had special firms with sole purpose of buying municipal transport and shut it down (it had been before WWII).
  • Personally, I hate cars too and I don't drive and don't own one(I'm 19:)) However, last year I was in London doing a foundation on film and there were times when I wished to god I had a car. Lugging a big travel suitcase full of camera equipment/monitors/lights and then holding another heavy tripod over the shoulder while going up and down stairs in the London underground going from location to location, from tube station to tube station, across the park, then paying the ridiculous taxi fees when we couldn't take transport was really and honestly not a fun experience. I just started doing driving lessons so at least next year I can maybe rent one whenever I really need one for filming. And even when it's not completely necessary, there are times when it's plain convenient. The only undeniable fact is that in the current world situation , it is a luxury, full stop.
  • I think you're right - in theory. I try not to use the car and manage without on most days because the children's schools are all within walking distance, as are the shops and if I'm working at home, I don't need to go anywhere. Same with air travel - I don't do it.

    But a lot of countries and cities developed because of the car, so it would be pretty well impossible for some people to do what I do. I moved to the edge of a large town so I could do this - where I was before, the nearest shop was 7 miles away and there was no public transport.

    So I think people should continually question how much they use their cars, and with planning, you can minimise your use of it. Keeping things local is good for health, the economy and pollution - at least that's what I think. But it probably isn't quite that simple.