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Olivia and mikes, hadrcore
  • 40 Replies sorted by
  • While I'm firmly in the camp of "hot chicks" aren't that smart or funny...what Olivia is doing is no better, but certainly no worse, than any other dslr how-to vid I've seen online. It's just as boring as EVERYBODY else's videos.

    I'm hoping to do a few short vids soon and I'm probably going to have to pay an actress to star in them and if you think I'm going to hire a fat or ugly actress, you're nuts. I'm going to get the hottest I can afford.

    @alcomposer ...let's hope he ends up like Thompson too. :P
  • @Shaveblog very Hunter S. Thompson!

    Sorry about the propaganda- only decent clip I can find... its a good doco though...
  • @CRFilms

    What's newsworthy, at least to me, is seeing just how shameless this Olivia fake DSLR tech expert schtick can get before I can log on here and stop seeing swoony mentions and links of what's basically become Kardashian: DSLR Edition, and before Emm decides even he's offended by how low he's sunk with this pinup sock puppet nonsense.

    I used to like his site, and his approach to figuring out low budget solutions to DSLR filmmaking. But this Olivia experiment is such a drag on so many levels. It's beneath him, and anyone looking for actual information about this subject.

    Olivia wasn't stoned in this video. She's just a dumb, disinterested kid working a whatever on-camera modeling gig in a cheap Valley office park stall. In the next stall over another kid just like her is in a string bikini straddling a Harley for a low end biker mag shoot and 2 stalls down more kids like her are shooting bad HD porn under flouresecent shop lights. In LA these are all equivalent gigs, in ascending order of prestige.

  • Ha, forgot to look away there. I'm enslaved by Manga girl.

    What could become quite funny is Olivia standing on sidewalks or in crowds with her handheld omni, just to have no proximity effect.
  • Olivia in this video reminds me of that Japanese girl that stares at her webcam and smiles... you know... the one on Youtube that has like 10,000,000 hits per video...

    Yeah- this one:

    Just remember- try to look away at some point- otherwise she will own your soul!
  • He's boring her to death with his tech talk. I guess he likes to hear himself talk. Way too difficult for rookies.
  • @CRFilms you would have to be pretty dumb to get stoned before an video session, (not like it hasn't been done before)...

    Maybe she knew that it was going to be a boring interview...

  • Ok, I'm through the video and it wasn't that bad. I have no idea what part is what in a mic, and Olivia said she hasn't focused on audio that much so who cares that she didn't know what was in the mic.

    @alcomposer ....dumb and stoned can easily be mistaken for each other. :P
  • @CRFilms no-one said that she is not that smart- in fact I really do believe that Olivia is off her face... yeah... hopefully...
  • @CRFilms

    Because man is guided by his dumb stick.
    His task is procreate, dominate and eat. If you have enough food it leaves other two :-)
  • So...a hot chick who's not that smart....and this is news worthy why?
  • I think that she is stoned!
  • "Audio is really kinda one of the most important". Brilliance.
  • I don't want to attach anything audio to her :-)
  • Olivia is by far the best tech guru on the web. Hands down. No one else comes close. One of the great things about her videos is you can turn off the audio. THAT's how good she is. Think Adam Wilt could get away with that?

    Could Sir Robert the Juicedlink look any more uncomfortable? Could Olivia the hottie look any more bored? This is a classic. If I didn't know better, I'd say she's stoned.