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GH2 Possible Improvements
  • 288 Replies sorted by
  • I was just thinking about the battery replacement issue, or even the use of an external battery.
    Vitaliy, do you think, if the battery indicator issue can not be tackled, could you implement a way of the camera doing stop-watch so we know how long it's been switched on?

    That way we would at least know when to safely change battery! thanks.
  • I suggested this for the GH17 "Lenin" hack also...

    More and more of us are starting to film in ultra widescreen. Maybe the GH2 hack could give us the ability to select a cropped aspect ratio of 2.39:1 or 1920x803 square pixels?
  • -I would like to see the AF tracking working in video mode.
    I have seen it in the improvement list but I want to write it here too,

    Same here, most important with 25P and boosted bitrate.
  • I would like to see the AF tracking working in video mode.
    I have seen it in the improvement list but I want to write it here too,
  • >...repeating themselves

    Maybe a new topic about improvements that summarize what was said here, but with only the voting option and not the "add reply" one ? Just to evaluate the popularity and prioritize (I'm sure 1080p25 and boosted bitrate will be the winners...)
  • You're right. It's just that because as you say, most people including myself do not have good understanding on how things are implemented so until you manage to start hacking and you know more about certain behaviours, it feels that people keep suggesting quite imaginative improvements or repeating themselves.
  • >i think we're at a point generally where logical improvements have been exhausted

    Believe me (as UX designer), they are not exhaused. You just need to work harder and get more input to find proper ones. This is usual problem of any design - people know that they want something to be done, sometimes even hints on how it must looks like, but, generally, have no idea how it must be implemented (final look, procedure, controls, etc).
  • lol

    i think we're at a point generally where logical improvements have been exhausted
  • >Setting focus point A (out of focus) and B (in focus), and how many seconds it should take from A => B is at the top of my wish list!

    My personal dream is special follow focus unit that transmits commands to GH2 using microphone connection (via sound modulation).
  • Setting focus point A (out of focus) and B (in focus), and how many seconds it should take from A => B is at the top of my wish list!

    And 25p of course :)

    (battery indicator for third party batteries would be nice too.
    And holding the Fn-button for two seconds to activate ETC mode while filming, thus avoiding accidental activation of ETC)
  • Never thought of the slow focus. That would've been great. Watching the Birger mount demos I haven't been able find out whether you can adjust the focus speed of their auto focus cue points... This would have made that redundant... except on a jib or what not...

    Otcx, I'm sure everyone agrees with you and that Vitality knows this better than anyone.
  • All new features will of course be nice, but my (many others i think) intrests are 25p and bitrates up. 100p would be nice and so on, but just to get basics first.
  • Driving focus is appealing.
    But we don't have docs and reversing system code at such level, without debugger. Ouch.
  • Hi Vitaliy,

    do you think something could be done regarding change (decrease) of the autofocus speed with µ4/3 lenses ? Could be nice to define a slow speed, than click on the touchscreen and having a slow change of focus (with a constant speed)
  • Hi again Vitaliy!

    So I was thinking.... I realize now how silly it is to think that in regular 1080/24p mode you could get 4k resolution. However, thinking as an Action Script coder such as I am : ) what if you could make a setting based around the ETC mode. Like a duplicate ETC, that instead of the *parameters* being 1920x1080, it was like 4kxWhatever. So not more pixel depth per se, but just using the mode that re-analyzes what get used on the sensor, for a different purpose. Does that seem like something that could be feasible? In my head, it's like getting into the parameters of a 1920x1080 flash doc... but I know it's not that easy.

    Keep the faith man!
  • Yay, you are my hero! I really hate that limit...
    Seriously though it's really great what you are accomplishing, thank you so much for all the work! (:
  • >Would it be possible to remove the limitation in European models of the GH2 where video can only be 30 minutes long?

    Yes, of course :-)
  • Would it be possible to remove the limitation in European models of the GH2 where video can only be 30 minutes long?
  • What about shutting down the audio limiter? Keeps leveling, frustrating sometimes.
  • what about a few seconds of 4k (ab)using the built-in burst mode at different frame rate?
  • I would be interested in an option to record 1080p without B-frames, at high bitrate like the gh13.
  • Actually that's an awesome idea!!! A custom Boot screen instead of that LUMIX logo screen! Sweet! But make it user definable. That way I can put my Grandma on! She looks much more interesting flipping the bird I think! :D

    BTW, we've already got Languages added to the requests right? I mean this is how I originally fount out about the GH13. I needed (wanted!) English on a Japanese only camera. The GH2 is the same thing right? Asian units are Japanese only, or Chinese only - right?

  • I would like to see a picture of Vitaliy giving everyone the bird as soon as we turn our cameras on.

    I feel this would be a very useful tool in ensuring that every shoot of mine begins with me having a good laugh. This is important to me, and could prove to be far more valuable film making tool than even the much coveted 1080 60P would be.

    Thanks for your consideration ;)


  • Howdy,

    the idea of multiple of 24p is good, also a multiple of 25p, like 50p in 1080p. Great for slow-mo, don't know if it's easier to do than 60P.

    Small, thing, it would be nice to always start video mode with the shutter at 50, and not saving it from whatever mode we were on before.
  • > So you're saying theres a chance!

    Yes, theres always a chance of second coming.