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    Mordor: Watch how prostitute science works
    • Plans for the introduction of fifth-generation cellular communications in Russia collided with sanitary standards adopted in the USSR, which did not allow radiation intensity in residential areas above 10 μW / cm2 (after detailed real tests!). For comparison, international standards for protection against non-ionizing radiation provide for a maximum safe power of 100 μW / cm2, which makes it possible to densely saturate the air with radio waves everywhere except Morder, with which Mordor operators fundamentally disagree (as they want money and don't care about people).

      Paid by multiple cellular operators, scientists from the Scientific Research Institute of Occupational Medicine named after Izmerova conducted the first in the XXI century comprehensive studies of the influence of base station radiation on living organisms.

      For five months, the researchers made regular measurements of the radiation power in a number of places in Moscow at areas with communication of the 3rd, 4th and experimental 5th generations. Second, a group of experimental rats was exposed to increased radiation, which were irradiated for four months with high-frequency radiation of 250 μW / cm2 and 500 μW / cm2. The power of 250 μW / cm2 did not noticeably affect the physical form of the animals, while the power of 500 μW / cm2 was accompanied by an increase in body weight. Thus, the scientists concluded that the radiation power of 20-25 μW / cm2 will remain safe for human health.

      On the basis of the results obtained, the researchers prepared recommendations to Rospotrebnadzor, in which they propose to leave the radiation power norm of base stations in residential premises at the old level of 10 μW / cm2, and in open space to raise it four times to 40 μW / cm2. At the moment, as measurements have shown, the radiation power on the streets is still within the old norms and is approaching 10 μW / cm2.

      Operators still wish it like in the rest of the world, or at least at the level of 100 μW / cm2, because this will save tens of billions of rubles on the deployment of 5G communication networks. So, new prostitutes research will follow soon

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    Mi Air Charge - April 1st happening too soon
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      We're excited to bring you the remote charging technology - Mi Air Charge Technology! Charge multiple devices simultaneously while you're gaming, walking around or even when something's in the way, no strings attached. Another giant leap forward in wireless charging technology!

    3 comments 4 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJanuary 2021Last reply - February 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Mordor: Youtube and Facebook will be banned before May
    • It is very strong rumors in large online media companies that this time it'll happen and will be constant ala China.

      Large companies already started getting big amount of Chinese produced servers and storage racks. New large datacenters for video hosting will be build during warm season.

      Mordor now lack any good quality video hosting alternatives to Youtube, as all of them are marginal and low quality.

      With Facebook we have no problems to ban it any day to replace with domestic social networks.

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    War: Now it is really time to leave WhatsApp
    • You’ll now have to confirm your identity using your biometric information to link a WhatsApp account to the PC or the web. The Facebook—owned company has added a layer of protection to its apps in order to limit the chances of somebody else linking to your account without your knowledge or permission. As long as the phone you’re using has face or fingerprint unlock switched on, WhatsApp will ask you to go through the authentication process when you link your account to the service’s desktop app or web version.

      This guys are preparing for real purges.

      Remember - all this information will be sent and stored indefinitely by Facebook and authorities.

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJanuary 2021Last reply - January 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Capitalism: QE or why end is near
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      A rather synchronous tightening at the end of December against the backdrop of vaccination programs, which should, on the contrary, untie the hands and free the economy from forced suicide.

      However, the unprecedented economic terror unleashed through full-blown Lockdowns has a rationale behind it. Lockdown is like a business! As long as they give QE money in all directions, they need to suppress inflationary processes through an artificial deflationary spiral, and economic terror in this sense is the most effective method, no matter how wild it sounds. While saving the economy from collapse through bloated deficits, they simultaneously provoke an economy collapse through economic terror. They have reached such a stage that there is simply no way back, only forward - to the cliff, into the abyss.

      They are ready to endlessly inject trillions of subsidies into the economy, monetizing the national debt a little less than completely, but they are not ready to stop. Any stop will break the fragile structure of a rotten system, highly dependent on monetary and fiscal support. At the same time, killing all small and medium businesses, saving large corporations. The main beneficiaries of the current crisis are biotech corporations, IT corporations and banksters. It is they who received the main profit from COVID hysteria, and it is they who manage the main cash flows, both through QE and through government subsidies. Is it by chance that all media and political parties are tied to this corporate segment?

    6 comments 7 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJanuary 2021Last reply - January 2021 by radikalfilm Subscribe to this blog
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    Bad design: Massaging bumps
    • Now heavily promoted "feature" for mattresses, pillows and other stuff, especially latex ones.




      Also used to tell story you about "special zoning" :



      Real actual reason for doing this is to sell you less actual product while make it looking like same or more.

      Pillow with same sizing require 10-20% less latex if you add large pronounced "massage bumps". Same is true for zoned mattresses, here for 5cm thin topper they can save up to 25-30%. All this is bad for you as in case of latex due its behavior you will have more pressure concentrated at small areas, hence much mess comfort. Zoning also have little meaning as even best of it is made for unknown guy with unknown weight and unknown height.

      But this is not all, lot of manufacturers will add additional holes, more than required for proper vulcanization. In zoned mattress or in many pillows it will be always such. This bring another material savings that can range from 5% up to 20%.

      In our reality cost to manufacture of large quantities of described items mostly depends on the material expenses (like latex) and much less on other stuff. This is why seller or manufacturer want to tell you wonderful stories about massage bumps or zoning.

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    War: Huawei may attempt to sale smartphones department to goverment
    • Last year, Huawei sold its entire Honor subsidiary brand to the Shenzhen Zhixin New Information Co. Ltd., which consists of more than 30 companies and dealers in China.

      It was reported over the weekend that Huawei is considering selling its smartphone division along the same lines as Honor. Sources said Huawei's entire smartphone business would be sold to a company led by the State Asset Supervision Commission and Administration of a major city in China. Moreover, the sources say the negotiations are nearing completion and the deal will be announced shortly.

      Seems typical, as in times of profit Huawei mostly kept all money overseas, but in state of big losses it is people of CHina you must bear it all.

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    Energy: Boeing and peak oil, just watch for their hands
    • Boeing has vowed to make flights using its planes more eco-friendly within the next decade: The aviation titan has announced its commitment to make sure its planes can fly on 100 percent sustainable fuels by 2030. It explained that making the shift to sustainable fuels is the “safest and most measurable solution to reduce aviation carbon emissions in the coming decades.”

      Sustainable aviation fuels are made from vegetable oil, animal fats, various agricultural and forestry waste and non-recyclable household waste, among other sources.

      Without coronavirus and new rounds that ruling class will son introduce it is all impossible.

      But if you have, say, totally 50-100 aircraft for elite it is quite nice thing, despite have nothing to do with sustainability.

      Note how elites turned "we fucked up almost all easy to extract oil" to "we are fighting for our green future".

      They just forget what green future usually have lot of free trees around and nice sustainable production of thick ropes.

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