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    China: Lets fuck capitalism by rising prices
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      Dear comrades! I am sending you a revolutionary hello!

      The forces of the Western underworld, led by the imperialists from the United States, are about to strike at our Chinese heart. Hard-earned revolutionary assets are diluted with additional dollar issuance, semiconductor factories are limited in supply, and circuitry is controlled.

      As a result, the price of the product has increased significantly. With pain I inform you that the prices of existing goods will be increased by 15-25%.

      This is a signal for a real battle with evil. Let's raise prices together. Let the prices of export products make the capitalists suffer from their own actions.

      We hope that our Chinese compatriots will accelerate the research and development of domestic chips, which will help them free themselves from the influence of the evil forces of the West.

      Comrades, hold on to the yuan and fight the US to the end!

      So, friends, your next investment in the more expensive Chinese products will be a contribution to the victory of communism!

      I think it is real fun.

    3 comments 4 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMay 2021Last reply - May 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Products made from wood will be taxed
    • It is widely known that main consumers of wood based products in the world are located in EU, US, Japan and China.

      With upcoming EU tax aimed at energy products made under pretense of CO2 emissions few production countries are starting to talk about new kind of tax. As asymmetric response.

      Any export of unprocessed wood will be taxed around 100%, and processed wood products tax is expected to reach 50-75% of sale price.

      Tax will go to compensation of forest destruction and corresponding rise of CO2 level and to restoration of forests.

      Additional 100% tax can be imposed on exports of paper towels and toilet paper, and will be aimed to find long lasting renewable replacement solutions.

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    COVID: Attack on China is being prepared
    • The American intelligence community currently does not have enough information to say with certainty how the spread of the new coronavirus began: from a person's contact with an infected animal or an incident in a laboratory. This is stated in a statement released on Wednesday by US President Joe Biden.

      “Shortly after I became president, I asked my National Security Assistant to instruct the intelligence community to report on the most recent findings from their analysis of the origins of COVID-19, including whether it arose from contact with an infected animal or as a result of an accident in the laboratory, "- said the American leader. "I received this report earlier this month and asked to prepare additions to it," he said.

      The United States will continue to seek a more thorough international investigation into the origins of the coronavirus involving China, which will be transparent and factual. The corresponding statement was made on Wednesday at a press briefing for journalists by the Deputy Press Secretary of the White House Karin Jean-Pierre.

      The investigation is necessary in order to "put an end to the current pandemic and prevent their occurrence in the future." “We will continue to seek a more thorough multilateral investigation into the emergence of the virus in China,” said Jean-Pierre. “We will also continue to press China to participate in a comprehensive, transparent and fact-based international investigation that would provide access to establish a virus that has claimed more than 3 million lives worldwide. "

      In addition, the US administration believes that China has not openly cooperated with international experts in order to fully investigate the circumstances of the emergence of the new coronavirus.

      The administration of the American social network Facebook will stop deleting posts containing assumptions about the artificial origin of the coronavirus. .

      "In light of ongoing investigations into the origins of the coronavirus and consultations with public health experts, we will no longer remove claims that COVID-19 is man-made," a spokesperson for the social network wrote in an e-mail.

      He added that the company will continue to regularly update its information policy, depending on the emergence of new data related to the investigation of the origin of the virus.

      Seems pretty clear now.

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    Genocide: Green idiots won, kind of
    • Milieudefensie, the Dutch branch of Friends of the Earth, alongside several other charities, human rights groups and eventually more than 17,000 co-plaintiffs, sued Shell in 2018, demanding the company bring its emissions in line with the Paris Agreement.

      The Hague District Court ordered Royal Dutch Shell to reduce its carbon emissions by 45 percent by the end of the decade. After hearing both sides, a panel of judges determined the energy giant's climate plan was too vague. "[It] is not concrete, has many caveats and is based on monitoring social developments rather than the company's own responsibility for achieving a CO2 reduction".

      Everything is amazing here, prostitute "greens", idiotic judge and speechless Shell.

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    USB Type-C Revision 2.1 will allow 240 watts
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      USB-C was already very bad connector for power supply, but now they want to make it work with more powerful notes, as manufacturers paid them.

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    War: Mordor hackers in Columbia, but it is not certain
    • Tied up corpses with traces of torture float in the Cauca River; heads of demonstrators in garbage bags at school entrances; supermarket chains act as torture centers, online posting of murders on Instagram ...

      As a result of recent weeks of popular protests, in addition to 57 killed (officially confirmed as of yesterday), there are more than 400 “missing” demonstrators in Colombia who have been captured by the army and police and whose mutilated bodies are found on roadsides, in landfills and under bridges, in Colombia. None of the representatives of the authorities is responsible for anything at all. The Colombian Defense Minister announced the "intervention of Russian hackers" in "organizing unrest in the country."

      What else needs to happen for human rights organizations to intervene? Where is the international community?


      Remember - all "independent" capitalist media are much worse than prostitutes.

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    War: Honor is not Huawei, kind of
    • After splitting from Huawei, Honor is no longer subject to US sanctions. The company has renewed contracts with key suppliers of smartphone chipsets, and users are eagerly awaiting the return of Google services to the company's devices. And the wait was not long at all. The Honor 50 series will mark the return of Google services to the company's smartphones.

      Information about the return of Google services to Honor smartphones is official and comes from the German division of the company. In one of the threads on Twitter, a user asked whether the company's smartphones based on the Snapdragon 778G chipset will receive Google services. The official account of the German representative office of Honor answered this question in the affirmative.

      At least with Trump it did not looked like mad house, only as circus.

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