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What Is a Visual Metaphor?

A lot of storytelling is figuring out how to communicate to the audience what the characters are going through. You want them laughing, crying, shivering with fear, and steeping in every intention. The goal is to get people to connect with the character, take these emotions to heart, and keep people on the edge of their seats as they see how things play out. This stuff crosses all genres. But how can you do that? As writers and directors, we're told "show, don't tell" over and over again. You need to show what's going on inside people and then communicate it to people on the outside. But what's another way to do it outside of actions? Well, I think a great visual metaphor can help. Today, we're going to go over visual metaphors, how to use them, what they are, and how they can help your writing and direction. So get ready to climb that mountain, hit (or miss) that winning shot, and blow up that bridge. It's time to dig into visual metaphors. What Is a Visual Metaphor, and How Can You Use Them in Your Films (and Scripts)? When you're writing and directing, visuals are incredibly important to your storytelling. They not only tell the audience what's happening on screen, but they can also add another layer to what you're doing. Filmmaking is truly a visual medium. So let's try to get the most out of your efforts. Visual Metaphor Definition A visual metaphor is an image...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - Friday, 17 May

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