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A Guide to Tech Noir in Film and Television

Technology has brought about unprecedented advances in our way of life, but what happens when it becomes too powerful? Enter tech noir, a subgenre of science fiction that explores the darker side of technology and its impact on humanity. From Blade Runner to Black Mirror, tech noir has captivated audiences with its gritty, dystopian worlds and cautionary tales of technology gone wrong. In this comprehensive guide, we'll take a deep dive into the world of tech noir in film and television. We'll examine the common themes and motifs that define the genre, from neon-lit cityscapes to rogue artificial intelligence. We'll also explore how tech noir has evolved over the years and its continued relevance in today's society. So buckle up and get ready to enter a world where technology is both a blessing and a curse. Let's dive in. 'Black Mirror' Credit: NetflixTech Noir Definition Tech noir is a subgenre of science fiction that combines elements of film noir and dystopian fiction, often set in a bleak, high-tech future. It typically features a world where advanced technology coexists with a decaying society, resulting in a dark and gritty atmosphere. The term "tech noir" was first coined by filmmaker James Cameron to describe his 1984 movie The Terminator, which blends elements of a futuristic sci-fi action film with elements of film noir. Tech noir often explores themes such as artificial intelligence, cybernetics, and the consequences of human technological advancements. The Origins of Tech Noir in Film and Television The term...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - Tuesday, 2 April

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