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Site issues
  • Lately I see many double posts.

    Please, let me know how it works for you and if you have any slowdowns of loading or posting.

    Provide your location, please

  • 14 Replies sorted by
  • Thanks guys, all seems to be solved now.

  • Slow loading, sometimes not loading at all yesterday...seems fine now. In Panama.

  • Seems a bit faster but I'm only on a phone and cloudy weather slows things my sIde anyway.

    Traceroute shows no delay USA end but raw access logs should show anything unusual like requests.

  • It seems like it is much better now :-)

    @goanna, check it.

  • Could be any number of issues from a full hard drive to data integrity probs to anything slowing server. It's affecting ordinary page loads as well as new sql records (posts). Just ask sysop or host. other co-hosted sites could be slowing too.

  • The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. Apache Server at www.personal-view com port 3128

    This seems pretty strange

  • Very slow for me, no double posts as I´m aware of.. Got an error message whilst trying to log in. /Sweden

    EDIT: haha, well when you speak of the trolls..

  • Proxy error.

    The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.

    Apache Server at www.personal-view com port 3128

  • Very slow for me during the last 24h or so.. No double posts as I´m aware of. (sweden)

  • Sorry about the new thread sound double post. From Australia, other net use is OK. (Look at server logs IMHO)

  • No double posts for me I'm the UK :)

    Generally really like the site it's mostly a joy to navigate, it would be even better if iOS devices could see the videos that often leave blank spaces, though this may be tricky to get operational.

    Thank you!

  • exact same for me here - in the US (California)

  • yeah, got a double post. site locked up and wouldn't load at times. located in US(state of Maryland)

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