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Where are we going
  • 32 Replies sorted by
  • @Nino_Ilacqua

    Middle class members have a huge access to knowledge through the internet, like never before in history. Every common person can know almost everything about almost everything, from making bombs to construct airplanes.

    Here I do not agree 100%. As Internet is biggest illusion.
    Any good and useful information is hard to get and it cost good money, even more than before.

    As for common person, as guy who constantly see this "common persons" who sit in internet few hours a day, I can assure you that 99% of them have zero intentions to aquire any knowledge (if you do not understand under knowledge tits size of third girlfriend of some rocks star)

  • Yet it is not said how all this will end. Middle class members have a huge access to knowledge through the internet, like never before in history. Every common person can know almost everything about almost everything, from making bombs to construct airplanes. It is also possible to collect through the internet raw data about local and global situation like never before. I am pretty sure that people like Robespierre did not know as much about their world as we know about ours.Yet they changed their society. More important, middle man has now the power to elaborate those data thanks to cheap computers, which give him an unprecedented power. Moreover, people can talk each other all over the world real time, and so share informations, ideas, proposals. It is not said elites will get their goals. It is possible that when shit will start really fly from everywhere to everywhere new leaders will emerge, with new ideas and new dreams for the good of the majority. We know it happened other times in history. It is called revolution.

    So maybe it will not necessarily happen like in the Genesis song Firth of Fifth:

    "... and so with gods and men, the sheep remain inside their pain, though many time they saw the way to leave"

  • One version of this theory, is that the way the elite class maintains its tiny membership is through elite universities.

    I remember one research looking at elite members in France. Almost all finished two or three universities, and not only this, but certain specialities (law, economics, etc).

  • One version of this theory, is that the way the elite class maintains its tiny membership is through elite universities.

  • Why do they want to eliminate the middle class?

    Right now we do not know complete picture of new things they try to build.

    But middle class in its current form is not really required for global corporations.

    Most probably they'll be going same route replacing normal work and salaries with special donations and transfers.

    Main goal - current elite want to stay alive, and preferably, stay on top.

    My understanding is that any other solution, while being much better fo most people, won't allow most elite members to save their life.

  • Why do they want to eliminate the middle class? Historically speaking, destroying the middle class is a death knell for civilization.