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  • We are located in unique moment of history, energy is still quite cheap, resources are still available. And all the shit that went up is still on top, in most countries. Shit had been designed to not interfere with guys who'll properly redistribute resources, energy and money.

    Some people constantly ask shit to find solution to arising problems, or think that if they'll change dark shit to brown shit, it'll improve situation. Nope, it won't.

    For shit it is not question of direction anymore, it is problem of keeping low enough speed. Density is changing, shit is sinking and want to get everyone else as company. They just want to make it slow enough.

    Who made this shit? Bank clans and corporations.
    So, future major wars can be only between countries and country blocks and giant corporations (who'll control other countries).

  • 2 Replies sorted by
  • I used to rant about things like this, but then I gave up because people just don't care, they are more concerned with reality TV, video games, shopping, drugs, & alcohol. Those things I just listed were put in place to keep people from caring about what "they" are doing behind closed doors.

  • I gave up because people just don't care, they are more concerned with reality TV, video games, shopping, drugs, & alcohol.

    Yep, they are. Most people hate to use their small gray cells. It is hard and moron thing to do. But as work and food and warm place will be harder to get, they'll be forced to use some. nature is made in such a way that primates like to thing only if they need warm place, food or want to fuck.