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Help with GH2 Sound configurator for crowds
  • Hi, I need advice regarding sound recording in large crowds, in particular at festivals (e.g. Oktoberfest). Can I get away with using the stereo mic on the GH2 for ambient and use a unidirectional to capture specific audio (laughter from individuals at whom the camera is pointed, or music from the band)? This is just for fun, so it doesn't need to be polished to a professional level.

    I was thinking of getting a small unidirectional mic (such as the Rode VideoMic) to mount on the camera, but to record the audio onto my iPhone. Any tips from the pros and seasoned amateurs out there?

  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • You can just get Tascam Dr40, attach directional XLR mikes and get 4 channel recording (two will be build in mikes capturing overall sound). Cheap and easy.

  • I was curious if anyone had used the built in mic on the GH2 to record ambient sounds, and then used a unidirectional mic mounted on the camera for specific sound sources, such as a conversation between people within a large crowd. The aim would be to mix the stereo ambient recording from the GH2 with the directional audio as the centre channel for a pseudo 3.1

  • I moved it to Skill topics.

    Please, be more specific about your tasks.

    What sounds exactly do you want to get?