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Today's Olympic moment
  • BBC News reporter tried to buy a soda from a soda machine. Machine wouldn't accept cash, only Visa Card since Visa is an official Olympic sponsor.

  • 8 Replies sorted by
  • It is not Olympic moment.

    This is

  • That was an awesome race, and how cool to race through London neighborhoods!

  • Cool!

    I'm not hugely into sport but loved the technical coverage of the opening ceremony. I've just been watching some swimming, and the variety of camera shots is amazing - also the real-time superimposed lane graphics. Not sure if you get that if you're not watching in the UK, but the BBC is doing an AMAZING job. I can't imagine any commercial broadcaster in the UK doing as well.

  • Vino was incredibly lucky there. BUT he still is one of the greatest cyclists of all time.

  • LoLed at the unbiased BBC reporting as he crossed the line - "The Ukrnian convicted drug cheat wins..." - nice one BBC rofl spat out me tea

  • unbiased BBC reporting as he crossed the line - "The Ukrnian convicted drug cheat wins..."

    LOL. You can't do anything with idiots.

  • Mariane vos,

    534 x 381 - 41K
  • Here's why it's good to root for Jamaica, even if you're an American.