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Inception, filming various scenes
  • 4 Replies sorted by
  • @RRRR - Then South Park may have just ruined an incredible movie for you.

  • I must say, after seeing insheeption, the south park parody first I had a really hard time taking this film seriously..

    Great little views from the shooting though! Impressive machinery.

  • Thanks for posting this, I had assumed that virtually everything but the actors was done with CGI. Much respect and admiration for Nolan, he's outpaced the Academy many laps over.

  • My absolute favorite movie. Thanks for those links. I especially liked how they went for realism instead of all CG. Until I seen this I always swore that explosion scene when they were eating out was ALL Computer Graphics. Boy was I wrong. My favorite scene was the hotel "anti-gravity" scene (they went all out for that). I like how JGL did all his own stunts.

    I think they did everything right in this movie...from the music (Hans Zimmer) to the the story itself. When it ended I immediately said to myself "they have to make a sequel." But I'm not so sure anymore...(because if it does not top the first one....then why bother ruin a good thing). With that said...if anyone can pull it off....then I think Nolan could.