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Need comparisons of modified GH2 vs 5D
  • I'm being pushed out of a gig because some know-nothing insists that a 5D has superior IQ compared with a hacked GH2.

    Can someone please point to a comparison video that shows differently?

    How do the rest of you deal with this ridiculous "5D is the only DSLR for video" mentality?

  • 20 Replies sorted by
  • @ahbleza ----Its just ignorance....plain and simple...I lost a job once cause he(the moron) didnt want anything lower than a 7D - -I think 5D/7D ppl users are just plain ignorant to the existence of the GH2. That's why they assume somehow it must be inferior...just tell a 7D owner that he could have bought a T3i and got 99.99% the same quality video and video features out of it as the much much more expensive 7D . The thing is that the 7D/5D are designed to be better photo cameras...than the lower end Rebels etc....The video stuff on these was not a big concern in the design..merely a feature..HOWEVER..... The GH2 is SUPPOSED to be a hybrid. Its not a photo camera with a video feature tacked on. And once you factor all the pluses of the smaller chip over full frame or APS-C when shooting video... 5D only has an edge with FULL Frame, color profiles and Shallow DOF..(too shallow half the darn time if you ask me)

    Here is my Personal View ---> If I had the cash to buy either a GH2 Hacked+ very very nice lens or a 5D mark 3 and some kit lens.... Id take the GH2 any day of the week.


  • Thanks all for an instructive session. I'm still waiting for my D800 from Adorama, so I haven't shot with a "full frame" camera yet... but I'm very happy so far with my GH2 and AF100 for the jobs that I do. I accept that the 5D offers a different aesthetic ... I'm just bemoaning the fact that many of the people making the decision to use a 5D are doing so without knowing about the roll-off or DR or even low-light performance. In the hands of a capable filmmaker, the Canon 5D is a superb tool, if you work around its limitations, and so is the GH2 for that matter. Each has its strengths, and the true value of this online community is that we can learn about those strengths, how to deal with the weaknesses, and hopefully, to become better filmmakers overall.

  • @No_SuRReNDeR When he doesn't mention it, you can assume he used either of the two in his vault (44mbps Vanilla or 88mbps Unified).

  • I wish Andrew had put what hack/patch the Gh2 was using in the video.... It really says nothing about the hack..."plucky"?

  • @ahbleza It helps to know what the person means to start with. Are they referring to dynamic range? Or contrast? Or resolution? Etc.

    Here's one comparison video that shows (in parts) how much additional detail you can capture on a GH2 recording that gets lost on the 5DMkIII. However, the colors have not been balanced properly between them.

  • Just Hire the 5D and do the job

  • Is there some survey that found that more people prefer Canon's skin tones and highlight roll off to GH2?

  • @jasonp, "I shouldn't even bother responding, but..." Gimme a break man. I own both cameras, I'm not being a fanboy here. The question asked was about IQ comparisons, not ergonomics, the LCD screen, weather sealing, menus, the latest Magic Lantern hack that kinda-sorta-not-really-but-still-isn't-it-cool-in-theory works, etc. Simply the image that actually ends up onscreen, which is about 99.9% of all I care about when evaluating cameras anyway.

    Lens selection? I can fit way more varieties of lenses on my GH2 than my 5D. If you mean access to wides and such, sure, that's a fair criticism, but that's more a matter of the sensor... and to me that was conveyed in my comment on full-frame aesthetics. Ditto skintones and highlight roll-off. There's definitely a Canon look, and if you want that, you should shoot on Canons.

  • Personally I feel my GH2's are deserving of my great love and affection. Yes, that's right, I have several GH2's -- I happen to be a Mormon.

    Olivia also owns a GH2 which pretty much seals the deal.

  • "the 5Dii still looks better for stylized content"

    @jasonp here is love story for you..just could'nt see 5DII OR 5DIII cutting with RED EPIC footage on this level..I'm not a techhead or a fanboy..I mostly use the ancient gift of sight for what I happen to lack.

    I think you should have kept that GH2 longer than 2 weeks..matched with a Norkton 25mm f/0.95 & Driftwood settings my Canons can't compete in 98% of situations..that's the 5dII,60d,t2i & 7d on loan from a friend..far as skintones I think the Canons look too surreal for my taste but that's subjective..True I think the 5D has a certain look but that's mainly surrounding its candy colors & DOF,certainly not its resolving power"sorry my Canons"'s funny because people have branded its lackluster 1080p as a "look" instead of what it really is"SOFT WITHOUT DETAIL"no wonder people say Gh2 footage looks too sharp,look at what it's being compared to.."choice of lenses" you can't be serious?if anything the only challenge with gh2 and lenses is finding a good wideangle & that's quickly becoming less of a issue..ahh f@#K it I'm a "FANBOY" sue me lol

  • I feel several members just search for a reason to declare their GH2 love story.

    Yep, some have this sin. But we try to limit it's spreading. :-)

  • Technically I think the GH2 will win hands down in just about any test save low light performance.

    Aesthetically, it's a matter of preference and what suits the material. It's a bit like choosing the right film stock, or opting for 16mm over 35mm. The 5D/full-frame certainly has a certain look and sometimes that's what people want. Nothing wrong with that.

  • waste of time, 5D fanatics will insist that nothing beats the 5D.. I had both, sold the 5d after a week.

  • I suggest you find (easy) a 5d video showing the horrible aliasing and moire and show them, and tell them the GH2 won't do that.

  • Buy a 5D and have the GH2 as a backup body.. and then shoot with the GH2... ;)