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Does "Intelligent Resolution" or "Intelligent Contrast" any good with patched GH2s?
  • I noticed while trying "Mysterion" settings that instabilities seemingly became more frequent when enabling "Intelligent Resolution" or "Intelligent Contrast". Are those known to drain CPU ressources?

    Overall, the information on the two features "Intelligent Resolution" and "Intelligent Contrast" in the GH2 manual is very scarce... can anybody recommend for or against using those features for shooting videos?

    I tried to take some footage with and without, but hardly saw any difference - so I wonder whether I just did not try it under circumstances that would exhibit the benefit...

    (These pages from Panasonic describe the features, but also without much real information: and Seems like "Intelligent Resolution" is supposed to be kind of an "unsharp mask" filter applied to the images.)

  • 4 Replies sorted by
  • Karl, do you have extra noise in different from 320, ets iso?

  • Meanwhile I tried the GOPZilla settings, using them I did not experience any crashes, even when using iR and iC. So I guess I'll just try them under different circumstances.

  • it works... but only in strong sunny days, and then in the shadow parts.
    somewhere is a video with a clear visual example, i just cant find it back....

  • I find that IR, IC at times produces more noise, true, have to watch iso 320, 640..