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US: This is Eargle One, everything is fine, we are going down
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    Yesterday it was Japan which printed a record current account deficit. Today, we learn that in February the US will report its largest budget deficit in history, as the Keynesian floodgates open full bore, and tax revenues just refuse to come in at anything close to the pace of accelerated spending, forcing the US to borrow 54 cents for every dollar it spends


  • 38 Replies sorted by
  • Sorry, I gave the impression that I am in school. I'm married, 30 years old, and looking for ways to protect and build upon my limited assets right now. It is good to see that you understand that anyone who is looking to build a future in the U.S. should not be reliant upon our dollar. At the moment silver is the only medal I would buy, and land is a great bet because you need it anyway and if things get worse, then you can always have a garden.

    Politically, I can see we are significantly different. However, my commentary regarding Ron Paul was a call to heed his warnings regarding the U.S. currency and our nearly worldwide fiat system. I did not intend to start any argument about the best type of government or the function or size of government. Regardless of function and size of government, our debt bubble and the weights it carries with it are extremely dangerous to people who like myself who are trying to build a future and build a nest egg. If I was 20, maybe I wouldn't care too much about the future because anything negative that would happen to me would happen to everyone. So there would not be much of a point of worrying. Now, I have just enough to see a need to protect myself, and the solutions presented by the government are nothing but more of what caused the issues in the first place.

    Regarding China; They are absolutely dependent on the U.S. and the U.S. dollar remaining stable. They certainly do have incentive to invest here. The problem is that we are doing things that are directly contradictory to their interests, and it is making them angry. Take Lybia for example. Most people don't know but China was heavily invested in Lybia and had over 50 thousand people working there. When we decided to replace Ghadaffi, China got the raw end of the deal, with the light sweet crude coming from Lybia no longer ending up in China. China's workers were forced out, and their contracts became nullified. Iran is a similar situation. Our interests in Iran directly contradict China's. At some point China will simply bypass the dollar and begin purchasing the materials necessary for its energy needs in another form of currency than the dollar. When this occurs, inflationary pressure will occur on the dollar as China seeks to dump the dollar in exchange for materials they can directly trade for oil.

    This same thing is beginning to happen in India now. Recently, India struck a deal with Iran to begin purchasing Iranian oil directly for gold. Previously the U.S. dollar was used, but obviously our sanctions and embargo's make that impossible now. Like in China, as energy becomes more expensive, Indian leaders will be forced to dump the dollar in exchange for more tradable commodities that they can directly convert to oil. Those dollars will end up back here in the states. Inflation is obviously the result, and there is no way our government could burn enough money fast enough to balance out our money pool with hundreds of trillions flowing back in at the same time. This is not a mythical situation, and no matter what ends up, the result will be economic instability here for years to come. Ron Paul is right about our currency because he understands the market, just as he was right about many of the other bubbles we have had. His economic predictions have been spot on for decades.

  • @liquidify

    Of course, considering the trillions (in the 60's) dollars of derivatives that still need to be cleaned out of the balance sheets. Of course you need tangible assets in your portfolio, commodities, properties free of mortgage. But most of people in the US like to spend more than they have and the whole US economy is indeed based on consuming with money that is simply not there. Look, it's a basic rule, a country should not spend more than it produce. And about politics, they should just put a cap on presidential campaign donations, cap on lobby donation and self taxation (through local taxes) to support politics shared equally between political party. That would IMMEDIATELY solve half of the problem. Yes, it can't all go wrong but it can also go well. True, the US economy is crumbling, congress is a joke seeing rep and dem fighting like kids and playing populism just to keep their seats when they should work together as team to find solution (at the end of the day, they still are our employes).

    All I was saying was that Obama is not the best but it's surely better than Romney or anything that I've seen from the reps lately. It almost feel like the reps don't want to burn any good candidate in a race they think they'll lose. Besides, the economy is doing better and restarting. It is true, Us is selling his primary assets to China, but China can't mess up the US because it's their own primary asset. Now China is slowing growth, demand for commodities is slowing, interesting to see what will it happen. I'm optimist.

    My business partner is Italian. They got rid of Mr.Berlusconi and now they have a non political prime minister that seems to do the job much better than what has been seen before. Maybe that's a new form of efficient political system? It would be funny that such a revolution comes from a corrupted country as Italy.

    I'm a strong supporter of big infrastructures and clean energy to create new jobs. They are needed anyway. Where do we find the money? Let's ask China to invest, that way they'll make sure that the US economy doesn't collapse. Look, you are in college studying finance, I was studying accounting in college.

    Don't worry about doomsday, go out, have fun, get a hot chick for a beer, smile, don't worry about the future, the 20's comes only once in the lifetime, party like a rockstar even if you aren't, be happy and live every day at once.

  • @kicap I guarantee there is at least some truth to what you say. @terry2 Tea Party? Nothing to do with it. I am a bit of a student of economics and my dad is a professor of finance. Economics is simply a subject that I study and have knowledge in and talk about on a daily basis as a regular family discussion. However, if you can't see that our system is rotten to the very core, then perhaps you are not looking. It does not take a genius or someone who studies economics to see that the U.S. currency is being destroyed and that our economic sovereignty is being taken from under our noses.

    It is not difficult to be prepared, and it is not difficult to understand why things are happening. Ron Paul is just a guy who correctly predicted numerous specific events relating to economics over the last few decades. The reason his predictions are accurate is because things are very clear when you simply look.

    Beside that though, having 10 percent of your net worth in physical commodities is not going to kill anyone. Having some land, and a house that you own is not going to hurt anyone. I am suggesting these things not because I believe there is serious potential for individual's value to be destroyed. But, because these things can be done easily and have little to no potential for negative impact on someones life, they are simply logical things to do regardless. These buffers serve to protect someones value against the (clearly) coming inflationary period and subsequent potential dollar collapse. If this does not happen, then no one will have lost anything by taking these steps.

  • I always believe that Israel is all behind the Brain of USA in attacking all the middle east countries. Sorry guys if this sound a bit paranoid on the "The Arrival" youtube series but all the signs indicated in that episodes are here and getting real more than ever. As my grandfather always tell me, learn to survive the old ways like fishing, farming, hunting, and most importantly, fasting and praying.

    All the best to our next generation.

  • But once the Fed stop buying long-term Treasuries

    And you are sure about this because...
    FED is just small element fully controled by global bank clans. And this clans now keep US above the water.

    Most of the goverments stopped investing in treasures and focused on their own people.
    US statistics worked good this year to hide this fact after recalculation of data and assigned big amount of offshore and UK amounts to other countries.

  • -- deleted by user --

    Contents being how everything is fine in the US treasures department, everyone want to buy them, especially due to EU crysis and how treasures payments are always decreasing despite any actions (buyouts, or stopping of official buyouts)

  • Which is why the rest of the world is willing to lend the U.S. Treasury money for 30 years at an interest rate which is actually negative, if you factor in inflation.

    This is not true, as in last year US treasures became one of the most shady areas.
    If you look back at the blog posts you'll see good charts telling that US is forced to keep low rates at any cost possible (including lies, unauthorised bayouts, etc)

  • @terry2 Ron Paul is only a canary, he does not run the coal mine.

  • Don't be surprised if Uganda suddenly becomes a big name and the US decides to send forces over, strange times ahead. You heard it here first!

  • Ron Paul? Well, I can see that I'm on Tea Party soil in here... Well, if doomsday is coming I better spend the few cents left living like Bill Maher and not like Bill O'Reilly... Ladies and Parties here I come...

  • Look, you guys better come to terms with this. The U.S. will be a third world country within ten years. Ron Paul has been preaching this for decades and people are too bloody stupid to listen. The reality is that the U.S. dollar will collapse as the world stops using the dollar as the reserve currency. For those who are paying attention, this is the primary reason why the U.S. continually is pushing toward complete governmental control policies. Freedoms will be taken away as part of our austerity measures while the government grows and becomes a larger and larger part of the economy and of individuals lives. You can see this happening as we speak with actions like India dumping the dollar and buying oil directly in gold. This is a complete shift from what was happening for the last 60 years.

    You people who think war will boost our economy don't understand the prerequisites necessary for the positives to come about. Unless the scale of the war is worldwide and the results are victory, then the economic situation afterwards will not be positive. Don't kid yourself and consider that a war is a solution unless you are talking about all out world war in which case you can kiss your lifestyle completely goodbye.

    Anyway, as it stands, the smart people will have a substantial percentage of their money reserved in commodities, while the majority will have nothing. I will be one of the smart people. I recommend silver right now as it is about the only thing you can get in tradable quantities for reasonable prices. Buy about 10 percent of your holdings in silver and make sure you have the physical silver on hand. Don't buy into the silver stocks where someone else holds your silver. I also recommend buying property. Not just a house, but some land. This will become necessary when food becomes as bloody expensive as it will.

    Notice that the government has been claiming 2 percent inflation? Bullshit. You think the cost of food has only gone up 2%? This is only the beginning though. While we are 17 trillion in "claimed" debt, go look at the "unfunded liabilities" category of our debt which is not reported. It is significantly over 100 trillion. We are in a hole that we can't get out of and I suggest that everyone intelligent enough to save themselves start getting prepared now.

  • @Vitaliy true... What can we do? We are just artists... Just? I believe we can influence the world. By writing stories, good movies, documentaries, and bring emotions to people. We can make them think, laugh, cry and fall in love.

  • @terry2

    I don't mean anything :-) I just said that most people on earth will prefer quick in/out operation on the US/UK elites.

  • @Vitaliy I don't understand, you mean that war in Iraq was good and that it'd be wrong to use a quick in/out operation instead of massive army to really help people in the African region? Big army operations always end up killing thousands of civilians before the people in power. So, we shouldn't do anything? I know people who are currently kidnapped by local militia in Congo and all they do is working for charity organizations! Btway, I've just received the Tilta Rig, all looks great, thank you!

  • @terry2

    Nice try :-)

    All you need is a strike force operation, in and out, and some good intelligence infos.

    I fully agree here, just think that target must be located exactly 180 degrees from yours :-)

  • @Vitaliy I still prefer to see someone like Obama to run my country than a thief lunatic like Romney which I consider at the same level of George W (with George W being more funny though). What is crazy is that we have the most powerful army in the world but we don't use it where and when it's really needed like in Uganda or Siria, or when there was the genocide in Ruanda or in protecting South Sudan establishing a cuscin zone like in Korea. Look at that monster of Kony, all documented... all those poor children. All you need is a strike force operation, in and out, and some good intelligence infos. Some satellite imaging, You send a 100 people commando, you take him down and then you give assistance as setup school camps and hospitals to save those children and educate them.

  • For some reason, I strongly believe in @driftwood comments. We in Asia has been working our a#* off everyday to make end's meet. People has been so greedy in making money the easy way (investing on papers) and oppressing the honest people. People just want an easy way out nowadays and the richer just don't want to share anymore. Greed is good when sharing is also being practiced. And that's that!

  • This is why startups like TESLA are so important for the economy

    TESLA is very good example of money and time waste :-)
    Btw, idea that you need to recreate automobile sector is very unproductive.

  • This is why startups like TESLA are so important for the economy- re creating the automobile sector, job motor numero due (number one industrial military sector)

    Same for Your economy Vitaly :)

  • @jrd just good fun learning about different points of view and testing theories... other than that we have death, taxes and rendering time...

    glad Vitaliy is not concerned with political correctness!

  • @NickBen

    SS is a pay-as-you-go income transfer program which is currently receiving contributions from every working American (tens of millions of them) and his/her employer, and has a $2.3 trillion surplus invested in U.S. Treasury securities. It is far more secure than any insurance or pension plan you could ever hope to buy. The notion that a program with a huge surplus and a huge continuing income stream is bankrupt is sheer fantasy.

    It's true that politicians could change its fundamental character, and it's shameful that Obama talks about SS in much the same way as "conservatives" do (as a program to "cut" -- pretending that it's a burden on the Treasury, rather than what it is -- an income transfer program with NO effect on the U.S. deficit).

    In any case, this is not a political site, and I won't engage in further conversation. These arguments tend to be quite hopeless -- folks come to them with convictions of a religious, rather than rational, nature.

  • @jrd Social security system is bankrupt, thanks to both parties!

    I guess you missed Obama last year threatening to not send out Social Security checks?

    An elephant is an elephant, no matter which end you grab first...

    I approve of neither Obama or Boehner's plans for self-destruction...

  • @NickBen:

    "Socialism" has worked great for Social Security, which has never missed a payment, is going to be able to pay full payments until about 2037 (assuming there are no changes to the program), and will be able to pay 75%-80% of scheduled benefits thereafter, even if there are no adjustments between now and 2037.

    The Social Security "trust fund" which some conservatives insist is an "accounting fiction" is composed of U.S. Treasury bonds. If they're "fictional", then so is U.S. debt generally -- including bonds held by the richest Americans. If we're going to default on Treasury bonds selectively, I suggest we start with those held by the top .1%, rather than cheating working Americans out of Social Security payments.

    The reason Obama hasn't embraced socialism is because he's not a socialist, or anything approaching one -- as you would know, if you examined who runs his Treasury department and sets his economic policy.

    The cost-effectiveness of socialized medicine is proved throughout the industrialized world, from Japan to Sweden. What more proof do you need? They spend far, far less than we do, and live longer.

  • LOL, talking about "socialism" in the USA is like talking about "human rights" in China. There's very little of either for all but the 1% who rule. As for those with a gripe about Obama - isn't it obvious that he's on the same team as Bush/Cheney? The neo-cons who hijacked the Republican Party and exploited it to instigate the Iraq/Afghanistan invasions have deserted that party's twisted carcass, leaving the fundamentalist wackos to devour it. The war mongers moved on to infiltrate the Democratic Party where they are now plotting the invasion of Iran/Syria. The US deficit means nothing to them, they are gaming the system for all it's worth, and have absolutely no concern for the consequences.

  • @sebasp1 the selling of the US "service based" economy has been around since Clinton and carried forward, where restaurant jobs were considered the equivalent of Manufacturing jobs, while real manufacturing jobs went overseas. I know too many people that lost manufacturing jobs over last 2 decades , and therefore are not passing down their hands-on knowledge

    @jrd "socialism" is not a dirty word, Obama needs to embrace it and speak his mind fully about what his promised land looks like, and how it actually pays for itself. I'll love to see the day medical innovation and progress continues while we generate surpluses from socialized medicine in the US. Hasn't worked so well for Social Security...

    I dislike both parties approach- far too little impact on the ground level, both argue over decimal places in budgets, very toxic political environment in another US election year means no fiscal discipline by politicians in US anytime soon