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Using ffmbc (FFmpeg for broadcast) for AVCHD rewrapping & conversion
  • 28 Replies sorted by
  • Great thanks so much for the extensive response. I have been looking in the documentation and other forums but this is much more helpful.

    What about if you have spanned clips and want to rewrap them into a single .mov file without transcoding? AVCHD folder from GH2, PRIVATE/AVCHD/BMDV/STREAM/00001.MTS, 00002.MTS, 00003.MTS all parts of one clip. How do I take these three and rewrap them into a .mov file, that I can then send to 5DtoRGB, Resolve Lite, a NLE, etc using the command line of FFMBC?

  • :( sorry but formatting is not working from some reason, so it will be hard to read the text above

  • First install Yasm - Download and install the Xcode Developer Tools - Download, compile, and install a current version of yasm: Open up the Terminal and type the following: curl> yasm-1.2.0.tar.gz tar -xvf yasm-1.2.0.tar.gz cd yasm-1.2.0/ ./configure ; make When that finishes, you'll need to install yasm. Type the following: sudo make install (You'll need to enter your system password at this point and hit return) Once yasm is installed, clean up by typing: cd ../ rm -rf yasm-1.2.0 yasm-1.2.0.tar.gz

    Than you'll have to compile FFMBC

    Download the latest tarball from here Unzip the unzipped tarball in a terminal window with 'tar xvf /Users/Rainer/Downloads/FFmbc-0.6-rc3.tar' Change directories to the newly created FFMbc directory,  'cd FFmbc-0.6-rc3' Type './configure --enable-gpl --enable-gpl --enable-runtime-cpu --enable-sram' to configure (details may vary, depending what you want enabled) Then type 'make' to compile. After some time compiling, when you get a command prompt, type 'sudo make install' That will install FFmbc for you, and set permissions and so forth.

    DNxHD conversion example: ffmbc -i 00000.MTS -vcodec dnxhd -b 175M -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 48000 -ac 2 -threads 4 converted.MOV