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New | LUMIX S9 Full Frame Camera
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    • Sensor: 24.2MP full-frame CMOS
    • Lens mount: L-mount
    • ISO range: 100-51,200 (extendable to 50-204,800)
    • Shutter speeds: 60sec – 1/8000sec
    • Exposure modes: PASM, Auto, Video, S&Q
    • Metering: Multi, Centre weighted, spot, highlight
    • Exposure compensation: +/-5 EV on 0.3EV steps
    • Continuous shooting: Up to 30fps
    • Screen: 3in, 1.84m-dot fully articulated touchscreen
    • Viewfinder: None
    • AF points: 779
    • Video: 6K 30fps, 4K 60fps, Full HD 120fps
    • External mic: 3.5mm stereo
    • Memory card: UHS-II SD
    • Power: DMW-BLK22 Li-ion
    • Battery life: 470 shots per charge
    • Dimensions: 126 x 73.9 x 46.7mm
    • Weight: 486g inc battery and card

    The Panasonic Lumix S9 is a compact and lightweight full-frame camera that offers excellent image quality and a range of features for hybrid shooters. Its compact size and lightweight design make it an ideal choice for travel and everyday shooting, while its full-frame sensor and 24.2MP resolution provide excellent image quality. With its LUMIX Lab app and real-time LUT capabilities, it’s also a great choice for content creators who want to easily edit and share their footage.

  • 29 Replies sorted by
  • Almost perfect? It's an insult to mankind.

  • Looks like reincarnation of GF cameras.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev

    A truncated and useless reincarnation, that lacks the shutter mechanism, a key factor in a digital camera that doesn't have a high readout sensor.

    It's such a lost opportunity, like Sigma FP that also nobody bought from the same obvious reason!

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev

    It certainly looks like Panny is done with cheap and small m43 cameras.

    On the other hand the latest GF models did ship with a pancake power zoom with AF, while the S9 throws in a cheap manual AF pancake. Perfect for your new PDAF camera body I'm sure.

  • @Eno

    But the LUTs man, oh the LUTs.

  • This is like taking photos with your phone, except there is no phone. For vloggers just get the DJI Pocket 3. It's more fun, have more features and is much cheaper. DJI even provides you with up to two wireless mic connections with remote control. Did I mention gimbal stabilization and active track? For the money you save on not getting the S9 you can get the additional DJI Mini4 Pro drone to support your creativity with aerial shoots!

  • @EspenB "This is like taking photos with your phone, except there is no phone."

    That's incorrect! The smartphone sensors (especially higher end ones) have a much higher readout speed compared to the Sony 24MP BSI FF sensor which is about 1/20 sec.

    Have you ever seen banding in artificial light while shooting with a smartphone? I haven't! Try shooting with the A7III, S5II, etc on electronic shutter under those conditions and you'll understand what I mean. Not to mention you can't use flash etc.

    No mechanical shutter at those utterly slow readout speeds make the camera USELESS photographic wise!

  • A German Panasonic manager says “Young people don’t know viewfinders” and I say this is an assertion. And anyone who keeps secrets commits a breach of trust. And young people don't need cameras with a flash option. And limited recording times when filming are also okay. You don't need a mechanical shutter either because you don't notice a rolling shutter effect anyway. No headphone jack (not even via USB adapter). Housing not weatherproof.........For those people who don't notice anything anyway, the Panasonic Lumix S9 will be available in stores from mid-June 2024 at a price of 1,699 euros. The 20-60mm zoom costs 1,999 euros and the version with 28-200mm zoom costs 2,499 euros. I am convinced that baited YouTubers will and must do a good job of persuasion. Good luck Panasonic!

  • I am not saying I like it, cause I really don't, but I think this is mostly a visual attempt at making smart phone users feel this is something that can slide in and out of their pocket.

  • The whole concept is beyond ridiculousness. Zoomers have their phones for don't know how long now for everything. Hipsters shoot film. F/8 on a full frame sensor, for what? Who has approved that marketing combo? LUTs? Sorry, guys, but Instagram filters is a 10 year old fad. Who in the right mind is going to buy this Frankenstein of a camera for $1,5K? Not going to fly.

  • This camera is the perfect example why the camera industry is on a fast decline. Bad products, bad PR, bad recycling of hardware, bad overall performance, bad fixed reviews.

  • I don't understand the hype.

    Locally here in Norway the S9 is 15% cheaper than the S5M2. And you will miss out on a lot of stuff. And both are quite expensive thanks to the bad value of NOK compared to Euro or USD in the last years. So calling the S9 cheap is quite a stretch IMO. The craze seems to be centered on making a smallish FF camera, which hangs on the full frame obsession of later years.

  • The S9 was not the camera that was planned [for this event]

    This was not supposed to be the camera we should see in Japan
    Look at the people who got invited, who are they?
    Who are their target demographics?
    Then look at what kind of camera this is? Who is is serving?
    Look at the marketing Panasonic made on this camera? Does it match the people who got invited?
    Look at the commercial that they made for this camera. I don't see any filmmakers.
    Compare that to the people who got invited [to Japan] and their audiences.

    Which begs the question what happened to the original plan as it probably was for something more like a S1 mk II or GH7 type "filmmaker" body.

    Strangely enough the P2303 registration was done way back in late september 2023. Even if the P2303A was/is the G9 it seems very delayed. Basically 8 months in! Which I think in honestly it is not as the S9 is only a slimmed down S5M2 which really should not result in such major challenges during developement.

    @mee Any rumours from Japan on this?

  • A good point was made in the comments section of that Brandon Washington video:

    The new compact 18-40mm F4.5-6.3 zoom lens was not ready for the Lumix global summit. It was announced, but only with a "coming soon" message. Which seems strange as it is a meaningful small kit zoom for the S9.

    So again it could signal that a major reshuffle did happen to the Lumix camera release schedule due to unknown development or manufacturing problems. A filmmaker body had to be replaced with a simpler slimmed down creator body in the last minute so to speak.


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  • Well, the plot certainly thickens with a possible new Lumix announcement for June 5.

    On 5 June Panasonic will announce a new camera.

    Our reader Jakub sent me a link to a ‘leaked’ information about a new camera. Now, if I shared this link publicly someone would get in trouble and probably get fired. So I’m keeping it under wraps for now, unless some other website publishes it and forces me to report it. In essence, this ‘leak’ tells us this:

  • In the live-stream for the S9 on Tuesday Matt Frazer was in the chat and wrote on several questions about M43: "and there is no way for Panasonic to "let you know" our next camera launch but we have M43 cameras coming"

  • For all we know Panasonic might also have shown a 2nd camera at the Osaka event. I guess we will know soon enough if the june 5 date is also flooded with reviews of the 2nd camera from the usual suspects. Also timing looks perfect as they got 2 weeks to shot the S9 stuff, then another 2ish weeks for the 2nd camera.

    Also, when Panasonic contacted Gerald Undone about "the new camera he would not like" - thus he was not invited to Japan - it might not be in reference to the S9, but a new MFT - a system that he dismissed in his GH6 review. It actually makes much more sense now...

  • EspenB sorry, may 28th is my birthday, and then I went chasing a typhoon for landscape photography. Just now settled back in and saw Geralds video. I honestly haven't talked to anyone from Panasonic about about new releases for awhile. I don't intend to try and get any info either. If it falls into my lap so be it, but I plan to try official channels with them once more soon. Not expecting much. I did meet someone interesting from Sony recently, but that's for another thread, but again, hoping to build a relationship through official channels. I do think the camera companies as a whole are in for a rude awakening as youtubes hype wheel is ridiculously over saturated. It's the biggest reason I am so half assed with my channel. I can't bring myself to force the funk, but I think the consumers are pretty much overdosed on it at this point. As for lumix, if I am just guessing, the GH7 is coming soon. Panasonic has a big flop on their hands with the S9 and the GH7 or maybe GH6MKII (they didn't do that yet right?) is likely the only way they can come out of their dark corner. They may just price it out of the market though. Bet ya it's $2700, or something dumb like that. G9 is overpriced by about 1K. Great camera, but unbelievably expensive for a micro four thirds camera. Basically a $1400 markup just cause they finally got on the boat and put phase detect in. I do sometimes wonder if they're just trying to kill M4/3rd as many were saying a few years back.

  • @mee

    Just to remind that S9 is a FF camera. But sort over overpriced considered they shaved out most of the serious camera stuff for a $300 price reduction. No viewfinder, no hot shoe, no headphone output, no mech shutter.

    As for the possible june 5th announcement, it seems to be awfully close to the global summit which launched the S9. I guess its three different possibilities:

    • Panasonic did reveal more than one camera in Osaka. Everybody is under NDA.
    • Panasonic only needed a few more weeks to finalize the GH7 and it was shipped out to youtubers after Osaka.
    • June 5th is only a development announcement for a GH7 which comes later this year.

    (I think we here should note the GH6 development announcement disaster. Unveiled in the spring of 2021, supposed to ship out in the autumn, then delayed until basically the spring of 2022.)

  • Yeah, I mean the S9 is a capable camera in terms of image, but it just makes no sense. It's like an oversized girls camera of 10 years ago. I am pretty sure most girls these days are more practical wanting more tactile gear as they are done being barbie girls of the early 2000's. (most in the US anyways). Maybe I'm wrong though, maybe they will sell more than I expect.

    I think traditionally Panasonic did release fluff cameras before big releases, so it is quite possible. I almost feel bad with my GH6 release in that it did get some traction and made it's way through the rumor channels, but whether they want to admit it or not, the failure of the G6 was a needed failure, so they can see clearly that people were done hoping on depth to de-focus algorithms to catch up with phase detect. The GH6 was not supposed to have such a short shelf life, so I don't doubt the GH7 has been a bit of a mad dash to piece together (literally and figuratively), but as you mentioned they likely want to be sure when they announce it, it's basically ready to go. Releasing it ready to go now would be wise though as Nikon obviously has something in the works as does Sony, so if they want to capture the spotlight with a bunch of summertime content, now is the time.

  • The Japanese Panasonic website mentions GH6 as discontinued.