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COVID: Subscription model as final target?
  • What if COVID-Zero and the vaccine exit strategy is merely the global state-sanctioned equivalent of a drug dealer creating dependency among its customers to keep pushing more drugs? 

    What if it was all just a way of convincing society of the need for subscription-based "immunity as a service"? The subscription-based business model (or some version of it) is all the rage these days in the corporate world to create loyal captive audiences that generate reliable money streams, forever. Subscriptions are not just for your cable TV and gym membership anymore. 

    Everything has been redesignated as a "consumable" 

    • Netflix did it with movies.
    • Spotify did it with music.
    • Microsoft did it with its Office suite.
    • Adobe did it with the Photoshop editing suite.
    • The smartphone industry did it with phones that need to be replaced every 3 to 5 years.
    • The gaming industry did it with video games.
    • Amazon is doing it with books (i.e. Kindle Unlimited).
    • The food industry is doing it with meal delivery services (i.e. Hello Fresh).
    • Uber is doing it with subscription-based ride sharing.
    • Coursera is doing it with online education.
    • Duolingo and Rosetta Stone are doing it with language learning.
    • Zoom is doing it with online meetings.
    • Monsanto and its peers did it to farmers with patented seed technology, which cannot legally be replanted, and is lobbying to try to legalize the use of terminator seed technology (GMO seeds that are sterile in the second generation to prevent replanting).
    • The healthcare industry is doing it with concierge medical services, fitness tracking apps (Fitbit), sleep-tracking apps, and meditation apps.
    • The investment industry is doing it with farmland, with investors owning the land and leasing it back to farmers in a kind of modern revival of the sharecropping system. (Bill Gates is the largest farmland owner in the USA -- are you surprised?)
    • Blackrock and other investment firms are currently trying to do it with homes to create a permanent class of renters.

    And public health authorities and vaccine makers have been trying to do it with flu vaccines for years, but we've been stubbornly uncooperative. Not anymore.

    Remember when the World Economic Forum predicted in 2016 that by 2030 all products would become services? And remember their infamous video in which they predicted that "You will own nothing. And you will be happy."? Well, the future is here. This is what it looks like. The subscription-based economy. And apparently it now also includes your immune system in a trade-off for access to your life.

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  • I predicted this shit in coronavirus thread.