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Capitalism: Your bright future as capitalists see it
  • Today’s world of haves and have nots will be greatly magnified, with those fortunate enough to have employment and access to stunning technology living in stark contrast to the hundreds of millions struggling to survive in disrupted environments. Tomorrow will be marked by the breakdown of order, widespread violent extremism and aggressive large states.

    And they want you to die for them:

    Given the changing strategic environment, the Army must also prepare for ... that we’ve called “the next big war”—involving very capable adversaries, high levels of death and destruction, and perhaps hundreds of thousands of US troops.

  • 2 Replies sorted by
  • What? So its more profitable to write fiction for policy makers than for publishers? or, you thin skinned types are more afraid of lawyers than terrorists?

    Sad to upset you, but it is not fiction, it is enough to see authors list and read that this organization is.

  • "The Atlantic Council and its donors do not determine, nor do they necessarily endorse or advocate for, any of this report’s conclusions."

    What? So its more profitable to write fiction for policy makers than for publishers? or, you thin skinned types are more afraid of lawyers than terrorists?

    "From 2001 to 2010, the Army canceled nearly every major new weapons system designed to replace aging weaponry from the Reagan defense buildup, losing tens of billions of dollars for no gain."

    Oh how they must be suffering like "tribal primitives" with their trillion dollar slingshots and spears.