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A hundred years of bombing
  • November 2011 marks the centenary of a world-historic event. An Italian pilot, Guilio Cavotti dropped the first bombs from an aeroplane on to the oasis of Tagiura outside Tripoli.

    One hundred years ago this November, the world was irrevocably and significantly altered. The development of aerial bombardment, initially over Libya by an Italian pilot, would create and routinise a new kind of warfare. The character of violent conflict was transformed along with the legal and moral systems that made it intelligible.

    Though fire and rocketry were old weapons, the risks of warcraft were acutely redistributed in the novel discrepancy between bombers and bombed. Terror itself became a weapon. Attackers from above were virtually inaccessible while those they attacked beneath were rendered absolutely vulnerable. Any distinction between combatants and non-combatants, civilians and soldiery was rapidly outmoded. Development of aerial bombardment was more than just a military revolution.

  • 6 Replies sorted by
  • Flight, oh yeah. Now in the US we have drones driven from afar by techs hiding in a shelter thousands of miles away. Satellites that drive their accuracy and the phrase "collateral damage". A few with the ability to dream of something leathal and then bringing it to the world should dream of other things like a true world society that takes care of one another other than looking at the financial gains and how happy their pig investors will be.
    As of today, it should be "Occupy the World". it is more than sad it is disgusting.
  • nonetheless, violence is in historical decreasing, and we are living in the most peaceful time in the entire human history

    statistics and this masterclass says so
  • I did not know of this anniversary coming up and I doubt very much we'll hear of it on the day, but myself, personally, I need to respond. For the sky meant a great deal to me when I was much younger. Still does but nothing like it did. I was quite addicted to it, you see. It was the place of freedom and the home for many weekends that gave rise to that great longing that can never be filled. But in the sky I felt… the thirst of a spirit growing. My spirit. Me.

    When I was a kid in school sitting near the back of class by the window looking out… watching the great cumulous clouds and, and there I am banking down the side- that's me! Not this little dipshit in adolescent hell having to sit through hours of endless crap I knew I'd never use. That's me -flying- not with my "head in the clouds" but just outside, banking to the left and breathing deep, yes!

    You're cramped in a little plane, stuck in a noisy can until the engine cuts and the door opens and the wind rushes in till out you go- release!, into my first love, the sky. And so freedom would breed new words in me like- flight and flying and O my!

    Others experience "terror from the skies" as in the fire bombings of Dresden, or in old movies of "jumping behind enemy lines"; or in drones over Pakistan being piloted like video games from far away bringing "death from above". I shall not celebrate the 100 years of aerial warfare, or mourn. The stupidity of war is well known. And yet still we get sucked into it, make jokes about our ridiculous situations as we carry on with whatever. I mean, what else are we to do, right? Take pictures? Make movies. Tell a little tale or two, like... when I was young I believed in life and had faith in the future…and it wasn't just a beautiful tragedy or sunshine and blue skies forever. It was real and will be again, only more so. Maybe
  • @Vitaliy
    And we, despite our pride in our technology we can only take a bottle of vodka, sit on a hill and looking for a unique spectacle, to say: What a beautiful tragedy.
  • Yep.
    Only less than 1 light year from us, one big black rock slowly flies through space.
    And he knows his true destination.
    One blue, little planet.
  • The history of mankind has always been associated with the development of ways of killing other people. Man always wants more and more. We kill thousands of years on this little grain of sand, which we call earth. From the perspective of the galaxy we nonexistence. It's very sad.