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In the Escape of Myself - Shot on Samsung NX1
  • Here's my latest film shot on the Samsung NX1 - let me know your thoughts:

    Less jello. shooting in 3840 x 2160 seems to my eyes to have less jello. Very minor grade.

    Contrast -10 Saturation -3

    Used Wondershare to convert at -35 contrast. brought into Resolve and did some minor tweaking.

  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • @eddaviD Great work! :)

  • @eddavid Very cool. Yes, NYC is overhyped. The streets are dirty and its overcrowded and overpriced. I suppose if one is obsessed with seeing Broadway plays, NYC is the place. People need fresh air. I loved NYC as a kid who visited grandma...but that was 1 week/year. Better to live by mountains or beach or anywhere you can get fresh air. Keep rocking!

  • awesome movie Ed! great work.