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Intel’s Experience Vision
  • 6 Replies sorted by
  • I honestly thought the Intel commercial was gonna show how the Intel-upgraded guy had accumulated so much free time with his faster tech that he'd be able to read his kid the book and relax - but wait, no, the IT-enhanced book took over again! Gimme a break, Intel!

    If you think slightly, you'll understand that tech companies fight for your time, and their only goal is to not improve your life - but turn it into meaningless tech nightmare. You can even find good topic with charts here.

  • Geez, these are not my aspirations at all! I want to be less busy, have wa-ay less work intruding on my free time - in fact...

    I honestly thought the Intel commercial was gonna show how the Intel-upgraded guy had accumulated so much free time with his faster tech that he'd be able to read his kid the book and relax - but wait, no, the IT-enhanced book took over again! Gimme a break, Intel!

  • I see they are still selling the sizzle not the steak! The computer biz pretends that everything works so seamlessly, so easily and there are never problems. The real world makes a joke out of such visions of the future. Go and look at 1950's promotional videos of future freeways in the USA that eliminate traffic congestion. It did not happen that way at all.

  • @endotoxic I'm with you. It's not real persuasive to lots of us modern people. Despite all their work I think they've missed the bus on this one regarding where we want to see ourselves in a year or two.

  • We've finally arrived at a Star Trek level interface but someone forgot to build the spaceship to go with it! Perhaps gravity is more of an obstacle than Roddenberry ever realized.

  • shit is getting real. Bad thing is total know how of you life by cloud based company, looks like big brother society from sci fi future movie.

    Me don't like, prefer analog life. is not like i don't use tech..but this is too much connection.