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EU: Belgium on rescue mission
  • 7 Replies sorted by
  • And just Wow..

    Yep, sometimes you need to see things how they are, instead learning definition in the books without understanding.

  • And just Wow..

    > Money are just stimulus used to made real things.

  • The bankers loaned money to their friends and other members of the Communist party (Congress-I in India).

    LOL. I never laughed so loud lately. It is so wrong information and complete misunderstanding of SU financial system.

    Restructuring is not magic, if capital is destroyed due to malinvestment, it has to be compensated somewhere.

    Nope, nothing must be compensated. Money are just stimulus used to made real things. Huge advantage of government based financial system (btw this system will be the only one remaining in less then 10 years) is that you can guide resources and stimulus to the areas you need as well as ability to restructure or just forget about loans.

    Usually such wrong doom and gloom view on debt is common for ZH and another Austrian school resources. At least ZH use fears to live from affiliate income from gold sales :-)

  • @Vitaliy_Kesselev - it is the same model practiced in the Soviet Union as well as India - in India, briefly in the 70s and 80s.

    The bankers loaned money to their friends and other members of the Communist party (Congress-I in India).

    Restructuring is not magic, if capital is destroyed due to malinvestment, it has to be compensated somewhere. Either the stockholders, bondholders or depositors, or the government via bailouts.

  • Chinese just bought 1/3rd of French automotive industry, the second largest in Europe.

  • Why ? Heaps of articles about bad loans. Also, the trade surplus with the US is reducing due to a reduction in consumer spending.

    Ideas of "bad loans" is popular on some sites, yet people usually completely misunderstand Chinese system. 90% of loans are provided by banks owned by government and they are restructured according to consulting with firms. In other words, Chinese system, has nothing to do with US one.

    Also, yep, yuan course can cause some problem as end dollar prices can rise due to this.

  • The yuan is in the beginning of a currency run. The Chinese govt is trying to reduce volatility by selling dollars, it gets those dollars by selling its reserve of treasuries for USD. Why ? Heaps of articles about bad loans. Also, the trade surplus with the US is reducing due to a reduction in consumer spending.

    Another centrally planned economy!