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Patriots aka terrorists
  • "The desire for patriotism is considered an enemy doctrine. The U.S. armed forces must be prepared to fight against all those who oppose the New World Order and who are holding out for nationalism... This new warrior class is most dangerous because they consist of those who fight out of strong religious beliefs... There is a worldwide class of patriots (i.e., "terrorists") who number in the millions, and if the current trend continues, there may be more of these freedom and are the target of the New World Order... You cannot bargain and compromise with these warriors... We, as the military, need to commit more training to counter these warrior threats. We must have an active campaign to win over the populace. This must be coupled with irresistible violence."

    "Warrior Class.", Pentagon Deputy Cheif of Staff for Intelligence; Maj. Ralph Peters
    McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, May/June 1994

  • 11 Replies sorted by
  • Also remember that it took not years, but centuries, for Europeans to stop killing each other and establish the basis for stability and a relatively high standard living.

    By position is that it is less to do with traditions and knowledge and more to do with energy and resources. As their availability will drop you'll see nature coming back :-)

    who gets manipulated? people who are stupid and people who have weak characters. so in this case, the way to "fight" being manipulated is to increase your awareness, make yourself more knowledgeable, and strengthen your character.

    I have problem with definition of character and emotional things you wrote. You brain contents determinate all stuff. If someone is feeding your brain with shit no one can help but friend and family and if they are busy or fed with shit it is hard situation. To "think by themselves" people need good family and education and also - good one.

  • @vitaliy, you mentioned a key point - "they are manipulated". who gets manipulated? people who are stupid and people who have weak characters. so in this case, the way to "fight" being manipulated is to increase your awareness, make yourself more knowledgeable, and strengthen your character. some people still believe everything they hear on CNN. well of course these people are easy to manipulate. most people don't even realize that they're being manipulated, let alone HOW they're being manipulated. the greater your understanding of things, the less likely you are to be manipulated. so that takes knowledge and it takes time reading and learning about things. but of course many people are lazy and only watch stupid TV programs and don't do much thinking for themselves.

  • @babypanda

    Yes, that's very easy to explain: and it's not fault of the babies born into those countries.

    "Ruthless oppressive governments" typically have long, fairly recent and brutal colonial histories or the backing of powerful states, like the U.S.

    Also remember that it took not years, but centuries, for Europeans to stop killing each other and establish the basis for stability and a relatively high standard living. The same won't happen overnight in countries experiencing self-determination for the first time. We could also argue about just how "benevolent" those benevolent leaders are, but that's an argument for another day.

  • @jrd, I suppose you could argue that it's a morally repugnant posture. however, how can you explain that some people are born in countries with predominantly benevolent leaders and a fairly prosperous standard of life while others are born in destitution and/or at the hands of ruthless oppressive governments?

  • @jrd

    Yet it is some truth in saying. If system stands people are not fighting hard enough. If they are manipulated it does not change much, as in real life you need to fight and think to avoid it.

  • "people deserve the government they get." -- henry ford

    That's true only when people have genuine agency. Population control techniques are so powerful today, and so much money goes into maintaining tyranny, that even the individual willing to sacrifice everything is likely to have no effect. The vast majority don't even have the means of identifying the source of oppression.

    This notion also leads you to a morally repugnant posture: do you really want to claim that oppressed peoples deserve their oppression? In Burma? In the Congo?

  • "the hand that crushes the tyrant's head becomes the tyrant in its stead."

    Problem is it is not time of tyrants (and such time hardly existed before, except in some history books). It is system.

  • "people deserve the government they get." -- henry ford

    "the hand that crushes the tyrant's head becomes the tyrant in its stead."

  • As one that has the strong beliefs mentioned Vitaliy_Kiselev ....but do not include myself in the terrorist groups, I can tell you that most of the militias in this country talk a good fight but every time the opportunity comes around, hear mamma calling.

    The dangerous ones are the offshoots of hate groups like the KKK. Aside from them, most people in this country are far from a warrior class.

  • "God is not Great" :)

  • Intelligence services have devolved in the last decades to a rotten hole of evil depravity. " freedom" as a terrorist designator... Well, here in Denmark most people are so indoctrinated and follow the corporate media headlines so readily that "liberal" in this society is seen as curse word. Of course "liberal" here in it's original meaning of freedom, not how it is normally understood in political discourse in the US.